Anyway, in light of the recent decision by the US to lift its travel warning to Indonesia I thought this sticker exhibited an excellent sense of humor in taking the mickey out of travel warnings in general. I must admit that I have not read the US travel warning / advisory so I am not 100% certain it is Indonesia wide and there might still be some exceptions.
So, this is my contribution to the travel warning issue.
Actually there are T-shirt version of this warning, as a reaction to the series of travel bans applied within the last few years over Indonesia.
Yep, there is indeed a t-shirt version! There are certainly creative people out there!
Worth noting that there are plenty of creative people in Indonesia and with a sense of humour too!
It is nice to see, and be reminded, that it is not all doom and gloom!
Indeed it isn't at all doom and gloom, Rob. Especially when it comes to travel where one can still enjoy blue sky and sandy beaches in majority of the beloved archipelago.
One need to only look.
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