This certainly gives additional meaning to entertaining the troops. An Australian entertainment trip to Afghanistan has allegedly ended in one of the entertainers having sex with a number of Special Air Services (SAS) troops. The singer, Tani Zaetta, has strongly denied the claims and has the backing of another member of the entourage, Angry Anderson of Rose Tattoo fame, who has also denied that the alleged sexual encounters every took place.
The interesting part here was that the allegations were contained in a debriefing memo to the Minister of Defence and then the memo some how made it into the hands of the press.
Yet, in the big scheme of things if Zaetta is doing her part for troop moral and the sex is between consenting adults is there really any harm here? Perhaps if the troops involved are married and a long way from home then there might be some moral issues but the sex itself does not seem to be illegal, unless of course there is something in Zaetta's contract that says she is prohibited from having sex with the troops.
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