There is lucky and then there is "lucky". The owners of this place are very much in the "lucky" category. It is an amazing picture and shows you the unpredictability of nature. Some might attribute this good fortune to God.
Me, I don't know about the God angle, I am still grieving the loss of my little dog (you can make the connections for yourself on that one).
I have to say that arsonists also rank pretty lowly on my scale of goodness and I guess this means conversely they rank pretty highly on my scale of cowardice!
No Rob not lucky, just piss poor gardeners, nothing to burn!!!
You get me every time! I had not even figured that this was just a case of being piss poor gardeners!
But I gotta say the yard does look a little sparse, doesn't it?
We all see the world differently, that's why its fun!!
Quite worthwhile information, thanks for your post.
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