For me it is always a good read because it highlights the best and worst of our human existence, it is controversial, it is confrontational, and as a result never really dull. It is also probably the only place I can go on the Internet and be called a redneck or an imperialist.
I guess my passive resistance philosophy doesn't cut the mustard with everyone.
Just in case you are wondering I am not offended at being a redneck or an imperialist. It is kind of amusing in that perversely funny sad kind of a way. I have been labeled this way because I commented on another commentator's assertion that Chinese Indonesians have superior DNA to their Javanese counterparts and made a comment that Hitler also though his DNA and that of the Aryan Nation was far superior to that of the Jews. This was then interpreted to mean that I had labeled all Chinese Indonesians as little Hitlers in waiting, just not true!
However, it is what it is! The idea of superior DNA in one race is indicative of racism and degenerates into racial hatred, the idea was wrong then and the idea is wrong now! My whole life has been fighting for the underdog, fighting against injustice, and fighting for what I believe to be right. So, to stand accused of being a redneck and a white imperialist strangely enough put a smile on this man's dial!
What is even more interesting is that having an opinion and commenting on the May 1998 riots in Indonesia made me into a smart arse white imperialist! Bizarre...
As Uncle Ned always used to say (and until his dying breath)...Such is Life!
Now it is time to get on with life now that I have enjoyed my 15 minutes of fame as a redneck hillbilly and smart arse white imperialist.
Funny, I think I am banned from the site, I have been trying to access Indonesiamatters several times only to find the "Forbidden" writing emblazoned on a white screen. Dunno why *shrugs* and couldn't care less
I don't think you are alone on the "couldn't care less" front :D
I will have to see what you need to do to be cast out to the "Forbidden" zone! If I was forbidden I would certainly be saving a lot of time that I could use a little more constructively.
yes i've wasted about 20 mins reading the comments before i realised i was only about 1/3 way down lol! (and i haven't got to the point of someone calling u a redneck!!!).
@rob: I have no idea what did I do LOL As far as I remember, I did nothing, I might have sent one comment in one of those entries but that's just it. Anyway, like you said, I hope my time will be better spent on doing something else than reading that site :)
Do you have a blog that I can link to? I generally like to put people who comment into my blogroll...I am not very sophisticated so the blogroll is in alphabetical order!
Maybe one day I will take blogging a little more seriously and learn how to be more professional about the whole thing.
I clicked on your profile but it was just a picture!
Rob, IM commenters like to show off under the mask of anonymity. I find it sad, funny, and timid.
Hey Jen...
I agree! It is all of those things and more...but I guess I am a glutton for punishment because I keep going back for more :D
Although maybe I will have to stop as I think I might be making Patung richer than he already might be off of this little IM venture of his :)))
Hi Mr. Baiton,
You sir, are a fine example of a man with principle :)
Oops, Sorry for the double post.
Why thank you for the compliment! I appreciate it!
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