For any one that is not familiar with Google's Street View technology, then this is likely to scare you even more! Google has a service know as Street View, which is essentially small hatchback cars with a camera attached to the roof that then cruises the streets taking happy snappies of generally unsuspecting people. This strikes me as kind of like unscripted reality television at its worst. Not surprisingly a few civil libertarians and people snapped were a little upset at the invasion of their privacy.
To Google's credit they have developed automatic face-blurring technology that prevents easy identification. However, if the person viewing the picture knows who you are then face blurring technology might not save you any embarrassment.
But back to Map Jack. Map Jack offers a similar service and the template used is the Google Street View template. However, there are several additional navigation features that make it fun and the pictures are of a high resolution.
The service so far has photographed six cities that it has since uploaded to its site. Of the six, four are US cities and there are the Thai cities of Chiang Mai and Pattaya.
Without a doubt there will be some privacy concerns here, particularly as the resolution of the imagery is high. However, if for example you have been snapped on a public street coming out of a "massage" parlour, then the obvious question is has your privacy been invaded and how so, if you feel that it has?
Quick scan.......I'm safe in Pattaya.
Maybe their next stop is Jakarta? Maybe they have been already and not posted the happy snappies yet.
Map Jack at Blok M, Kota, or Kemang...I can see a lot of those Matercard "priceless" moments happening if / when Map Jack makes it to Jakarta.
Life is beautiful!
Are those the so-called working ladies?
I believe so...the commentary about the pictures only says stuff like, "street level views"...
But most of these captures are from in front of bars, so I am guessing these are the women that work there. Maybe they are bar staff and there are no customers buying drinks. Then again, may be they are providers of different services...
For me the best one is the second photo with the bloke in the blue singlet and hands on hips...it just looks like a fella trying to work out what's going on...He is probably standing there talking to one of the "women" saying "what the hell does TG mean?" and "TG or not can I get a beer?"
Photo's are from Soi Six (also known as Soi Yodsak) in Pattaya.
I know exactly what the girls are shouting at the passers by but, for decencies sake I shall refrain...
(I have a house there but never venture down that particular Soi)
Well that does it. I'm wearing a hat and sunglasses for the rest of my life. Eat me google!
Don't hold back or refrain on my account :D
So, there is a Hotel Dilligaf in that part of Thailand? I have read on your blog that you travel a bit to that part of the world. So, I guess with a house it is easy to mix a little relaxation time in with the business.
Now that I know you will be the fella wearing the trench coat, hat, and dark sunglasses, you will be easy to spot in the crowd of singlet, shorts, and sandal wearing tourists :D
@the writer: hey.. im a working lady here too.. they are 'working' ladies. there's a difference you know. lol
Indeed...there are "working ladies" and working ladies! I would suggest there are "working men' and working men as well.
Which one gets the honour of the inverted commas though remains to be determined :D
Ultimately, we are all working for the "man" or "woman" anyways! Grist to the salary mill!
I once dated a “working girl”. She was a student, and it was the only way she could pay her way thought. She is now a respected “Chartered Accountant”…
She was all upset about it, and one night asked me how I could date her, knowing what she did for a living.
I was a soldier at the time. I told her, she sold her body to make men happy, I sold mine to hurt, maim, and kill men. Which was the better profession…?
I bet you're an enigma to many people!
Your logic and way of putting things into perspective are truly different. Yet, funnily enough the way you have compared the two professions makes a lot of sense to me!
The chap is definitely just, and there is no doubt.
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