The story follows the life and times of Kimba, an orphaned white lion, and describes how animals and people can work together. It is sort of a pre-cursor to the environmental movement that followed. And it must be noted that there are plenty of allegations that Disney' Lion King is a pretty direct rip off of the Kimba story. So, perhaps there is an argument to be made for Kimba being timeless! Or is it just a case of the "Circle of Life"?
I do not intend to use this post as a defence of my cartoon or Japanese manga watching habits nor do I want to use it as a pitch to sell someone else's DVDs. I do however want to introduce people to something that is fun and something that I still even enjoy to this day in spite of being a 38 year old man!
I have embedded some You Tube clips below for your viewing pleasure!
haha, looks more like a white Bambi than a lion!!!
Now, now...no crushing my childhood memories :D In Kimba's defence he does grow up to be a much more real looking talking lion!
I should add that the Lion King is a direct rip off of the Kimba story :D
I think I've watched Kimba but I must be very little then.
Japanese anime, no matter how 2D it looks, could always evoke emotions.
Have you seen Spirited Away? I love that movie :)
Rob, not convinced that cartoons should be "visionary", fun and enjoyable yes.
My option only
Nope, haven't seen it, but I will look into it on your recommendation! :D
As a kid I didn't give much thought to the visionary angle. Kimba was just good entertainment. My Nan liked it too, but I think that was because I was enthralled in it and that meant there was one less little person to be keeping an eye on!
The visionary angle came much later as I watched it as an adult...
Maybe the vision is why I like to watch "Avatar" as an adult, or I'm just a big "KID"
Too-shey! Yep, I might be an adult in age and size but a big kid in terms of still enjoying TV cartoons!
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