Musings about the law, politics, culture, people, education, teaching and life.
An independent voice and an independent perspective - Carpe Diem!
06 September 2008
Saving on Fuel Costs
It would seem that the best way to reduce your fuel bill is to convert to alternative forms of energy. This old fella seems to have found the almost perfect way. Even better you still get to fill up using a hose!
Hilarious :-D
Maybe we should do a research about it, who knows there's a new invention of saving the planet.
Thanks God, no more talk of cat things :-)
I thought that it will be the never ending story.
Perhaps we should do some more research :D
On my cat, it should be a story that gets further debate and discussion for a number of reasons. Those reasons are off topic here :D
Good Job! :)
Thanks for dropping by and leaving a brief comment!
BTW...I clicked on your name and the link took me to a rather interesting site to do with telephones.
Oh well, enjoy your week!
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