I have a good mate who is currently studying for a Masters of Law in New York at NYU. The last time we were in the US I convinced him to have a go at the Sam Adams (very much a boutique beer brand). He loved it! So, the other day whilst chatting, he in NYC and me in J-town, the subject of beer came up and some new Sam Adams flavours. Then the discussion turned to other beers and the Hoegaarden was described as being worth a taste test.
I was not sure where I would find it in Jakarta but I figured that one day I would make the trek over to Bugils in Taman Ria. Bugils started off as a bar owned by a Belgian (see comments -- this is not true! It is in fact owned by a group of Dutch business people) and has morphed into a business group with a number of bars and a travel agency and other business interests so I am told. My logic being that if the owner is Belgian he probably indulges his own tastes and some Belgian beers would be on the menu (see the earlier point -- if the fella was Belgian then my logic might hold true. The fact that he is Dutch means that the logic does not stand up to scrutiny).
However, a trip to Pacific Place, a new shopping mall and hotel complex in the SCBD, uncovered a Kem Chicks supermarket. Lo and behold the Belgian beer availability question was answered. I decided to start off slow and purchased just one bottle of each. Now that I have finished all three bottles I am left ruing the decision not to buy more.
I have decided that Belgian beer is pretty good.
I have also determined to do a beer appreciation course (I am guessing something like a wine appreciation course) so that I can post authoritative looking posts describing the unique palates and flavours and whatever else connoisseurs say. Although, for most of my mates the simple recommendation of that it goes down smooth, tastes good, slightly bitter, and ranging in alcohol content volume between 6.5% and 8.7%, will probably be enough information for them.
I have just done a little Internet searching I think I can learn this beer tasting stuff on line here.
Rob, next time I'm going to Jakarta, I'll send you some exotic Danish beer :D (PS: I hate Carlsberg)
Writer One...
Sounds like a plan to me :D
Not a big fan of the Carlsberg either. I recall reading a post or two about Danish food and beer in your blog.
Looking forward to some exotic Danish beer!
Totally agree, Hoegaarden white beer is the only beer that I love to drink. cheers!
Cheers indeed. Strangely enough for a bloke who has been drinking beer for as long as I have it is a wonder I have not tried the Belgian brews before.
Still partial to the Sam Adams and a couple of boutique brewers in Washington DC, but the Hoegaarden will definitely find its way into my refrigerator again.
Bugils Jakarta is owned by several people, all are Dutch, none of them are Belgian, as far as I know :). But yeah they sell Belgian beer. As Cazbar and EP too.
Thanks for setting me straight on this one :D
I have inserted a clarification in the original post identifying my error.
The other choice was to remove the offending paragraph and erase your comment. However, that would have felt a little like cheating on an exam.
Come to think of it I should have remembered that Bartele was Dutch. I guess too many Belgian beers is to blame :D
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