I have written about this case before but mainly because it is a sad and interesting story and I could post a sexy photo of her to entertain you all.
The first hearing of the case occurred last week (20/10/08) in the North Jakarta District Court and lasted a mere 20 minutes. The 20 minutes was enough time for the Public Prosecutor to read out the indictment and the charges that Sheila is to face. Sheila is looking a little worse for wear after her time in custody (photo courtesy of Kapanlagi.com). She was accompanied by her lawyer, Mudarwan Yusuf, and an assistant, Aprilyana. Her family and some friends were also in attendance by all accounts.
The indictment charges that Sheila has breached Articles 60 - 63 of the Narcotics and Psychotropic Drugs Law. These Articles in essence relate to the possession of drugs for personal use and carry a maximum term of imprisonment of five years.
The indictment also states that the amount of shabu in question is 0.0586 grams and that she was also in possession of a bong, two lighters, and a little blue box to store all the drug paraphernalia in. The other evidence of the commission of the offence is urinary. The Public Prosecutor has even provided the plastic bags that the urine was collected in.
The Public Prosecutor did not manage to secure the attendance of the witnesses so the Judge adjourned the matter for a week. Presumably this is so the witnesses can be secured and attend. The witnesses are police officers.
I might make this a regular column here and follow this case through to the end. I am guessing at this stage that Sheila is not likely to get the maximum in this case. She is likely to get time served, particularly if she admits to being an addict and agreeing to seek help, or maybe 18 months on the very outside for a first time offender. I would guesstimate 12 months.
This would make a good lesson on the dramas that drugs can get you into. Is it likely to be a major deterrent to others thinking about doing drugs, probably not. Simply, nobody thinks they will ever get caught.
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