The government of Jakarta has issued Regulation No. 70 of 2008 to amend for the second time Regulation No. 16 of 2005. This second set of amendments is primarily to ensure that the government of Jakarta is utilizing the National Citizen Administration Information System (Sistem Informasi Administrasi Kependudukan / SIAK) and in compliance with the applicable standards of the system. The SIAK system in Jakarta is now complete with the necessary photo equipment that permits a photo of the relevant citizen to be taken, stored in the system, and then automatically incorporated into the new identity card.
The SIAK system has been developed to make the issue and control of Citizen Identity Cards (Kartu Tanda Penduduk / KTP) easier. It is expected that SIAK will also make the process of obtaining a KTP much faster. The photo here is of a Singapore Identity Card which is much funnier than the Indonesian one that I could have posted. The fella who owns this card is Indonesian though, so that has to count for something. The identity card says that his name is Batman and he is the son of Suparman.
The Regulation amends Article 42 of Gubernatorial Regulation No. 35 of 2007 by repealing (d) and amending (g) to state that a letter of citizenship is required for those that obtain Indonesian Citizenship.
Article 43 has been amended to state, in whole, that citizens born in odd numbered years must use a photograph with a red background and those born in even years must use a photograph with a blue background. All KTP applicants must be recorded in the KTP Register Book. All successful applicants are to be granted the Model OS-03 KTP. The KTP is to be signed by the Village Head (Lurah) on behalf of the Sub-District Head (Camat).
The Regulation was issued on 12 August 2008 and enacted on 26 August 2008. The Regulation has been in force since the date of its enactment.
Ok I'll bite. Is their any particular reasoning behind alternating the red and blue backgrounds?
I'm glad to see that other countries engage in mindless bureaucracy. Of course, the way things are going here in America we won't be able to afford the bureaucracy much longer, so perhaps its departure will be a silver lining in the dark cloud of the economic crisis...
Not sure what you mean? Red and blue backgrounds? To what? I am not playing around with my template (at least not yet).
I am guessing all countries engage in it, mindless bureaucracy, for some things.
Indeed, change would seem to be in air for more places than just the US. I wonder whether or not government might use this as an excuse to increase the amount of bureaucraziness as it starts to take over more functions in the private sector (assuming it does)?
The photos, now I get it :D
No idea...I will ask though.
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