The Australian University Games are currently underway in Melbourne this is not only a serious athletic competition it is also an opportunity to get together with other students and enjoy the camaraderie.
Unfortunately, these games have been marred by tragedy and stupidity. The end result is a dead student, a severely injured student, a severely injured car passenger, and a not so injured drunk driver. The dead and injured students are from Griffith University and members of the water polo team.
The dead student and his friend were leaving their hotel to meet up with some other athletes at a different location when the car mounted the curb and collected them at high speed. I am assuming high speed. But, I think this is a reasonable assumption having a look at the condition of the car.
The police are of the same opinion and the Sergeant on the scene is quoted as saying this is definitely not a 60km/h crash. This seems to be some what of an understatement considering that the passenger door on the car was pushed in some 40cms.
Interestingly, the report specifically states that the driver of the car is a 19-year-old living in Newport but that he is not a citizen. It also notes that the on the scene tests for alcohol were positive. The driver escaped this crash with an injured wrist.
Hopefully, he will not escape so lightly with the law. The police say that they are going to charge him. The charges should be manslaughter, dangerous driving occasioning death, or whatever the current terms of art are for this kind of offence.
Tragic, stupid, and completely unnecessary!
Puneet Puneet, 19, an international hospitality student from India, faced Melbourne Magistrates Court yesterday charged with culpable driving causing death.
Prosecutor Caroline Boult told the court that Puneet was driving at more than 150 km/h in a 60 km/h zone and had a blood alcohol reading of .165.
Puneet has been in Australia for 18 months on a student visa……
Puneet Puneet, 19, an international hospitality student from India, faced Melbourne Magistrates Court yesterday charged with culpable driving causing death.
Prosecutor Caroline Boult told the court that Puneet was driving at more than 150 km/h in a 60 km/h zone and had a blood alcohol reading of .165.
Puneet has been in Australia for 18 months on a student visa……
So, I read while surfing the Internet. He might get a longer stay than he intended and get some good schooling in jail. I am not sure how hospitable his cellmates will be though.
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