Musings about the law, politics, culture, people, education, teaching and life.
An independent voice and an independent perspective - Carpe Diem!
17 October 2008
Neurotic Jakartans
I read this post over at Rima's on neurotic Jakartans. I found it explained a lot of things when I finally had the Jakarta Post point out to me that 25% of Jakartans suffer from neuroses or anxiety.
Happy Reading over at Rima's joint.
This picture is Rima.
rob, my photo?? lol thanks for the link and thanks for promoting my younger days. lol
so what were the puzzles explained by the article?
rob, my photo?? lol
thanks for the link and thanks for promoting my younger days. lol
so what were the puzzles explained by the article?
That's not what you look like now? :D
The puzzles - traffic, flooding and failure to handle flooding, crime, are the list could go on a while (but I am sure you get the picture).
Enjoy your weekend when it comes around.
No, I told you (and probably many others) that I'm a 58 yr old overweight man with hairy back..
you too, enjoy your weekend with the missus and the baby!
With the missus, will do! With the Kid, I am trying to convince him that it is probably worth staying inside for another 4 weeks or so.
Rob, saw you just experienced facing the neurotic Jakartan by yourself?;)
Hey There FW...
The last I heard I am going to be sued for something and she is going to write to UPH and complain that I am unsuitable as an educator.
Oh well.
Hey, there's a great deal of helpful information above!
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