08 October 2008

Maid Reliance

It is always fun to listen to people trying to work out how they are going to cope for the week or two that their maid(s) return home to the kampung. It is even funnier to know that those who are a little more well-to-do check into hotels in order to avoid having to do the washing, ironing, cleaning and the like. I, on the other hand, look forward to the maid being back home in her kampung for a week or two.

I was born and raised in Australia. I have been washing and ironing my own clothes for as long as I care to remember. I have been cleaning up after myself for that long as well. I am a good cook (almost became a chef) and I have the basics down on sewing and other things.

Now, that said, I enjoy having a maid and have enjoyed becoming even lazier than I was before.

It is interesting that people panic that their maid(s) will not return after the trip back to their kampung. For me and the missus this was never an issue. When it is all said and done our maid has a pretty cushy gig. It might be as boring as watching the grass grown on a hot summer afternoon but she is well looked after in terms of salary and benefits. And, she is free to pretty much come and go as she pleases.

Sometimes we impose on her to stay at home but that is so rare I cannot even remember the last time that we did it. Generally, it is a security thing in making sure someone is home, but since the missus "retired" there has not been much of an issue on that front.

The wife and I were having a bit of a chuckle this morning about our maid's style as we were sitting in the study. The maid has a mobile phone and it is one that allows hand's free operation and she seems to be all geared-up on that front. The chuckle was to watch the maid go about her business sweeping and mopping while nattering away hands free. It was pretty funny but I guess you would have had to been there to appreciate how funny it was to us.

I guess it was funny to me because I cannot remember the last time I used hands free or the speaker phone. She seemed happy enough though.

Anyway, long story short, the maid had her two weeks off back in the kampung and has returned to resume doing whatever it was that she was doing before. She has been with us a bit over 12 months now so it is time for a raise on the salary front. We are not going to tell her about the raise rather just surprise her with the extra and explain it at the time. It is not mega Rupiah to us but I am sure it will make a difference to her.


Anonymous said...

My parents only had a maid when my sisters were toddlers. After that, no more maid for us, after all my parents have four daughters that they can "abuse" LOL. So, the result is that I was never worried about doing everything on my own when I moved out from my parents' house, unlike other "posh" Indonesian students who could hardly make a pot of tea for herself when she's abroad or has no clue how does an iron works. *rolls eyes*

Rob Baiton said...


Kind of fun to watch the domestic suffering (in this case those who have enjoyed the hard work of a maid and never learned to do things for themselves) of others who cannot cook, clean, wash, or iron!

Elyani said...

Rob, the only reason I missed my maid when she returned to her kampung is I could not go outside of Jakarta because my cat Suneo does not like to be left alone. He believes the world revolves around him. His loud miaows sound like human baby cries...LOL! As for household chores, it is not a problem at all for me. Despite having maid since I was a kid, my late mom was very tough to all her five girls when it come to house cleaning.

About your maid's antic to her new gear, I saw that in my neighborhood too when I take my morning walk. This young girl often seen laughing and giggling while she swept the falling leaves with sapu lidi. It will make a nice pic for the camera ... LOL!

Rob Baiton said...


Pets were our thing as well. If we were away then the maid would have to stay, but other than that she was pretty much free to do her own thing (and she does). She is pretty responsible when it comes to getting whatever she needs to get done, done.

My mum was never tough, too much of a big softie in that sense. Although, her plan of attack was just to leave the ironing and when we ran out of ironed clothes we would have to do it ourselves. It was the proverbial battle of wits to see who would fold first.

Probably would make a good photo.

The Weary Traveller said...

I am always amazed at Indonesian socialists who then mention maids.

I consider it a point of personal dignity to look after myself. I carry my suitcase in hotels, and make the bed.

I went to a pretty hard school in England, I guess it rubbed off.
Its all about self respect.

The Weary Traveller said...

I didnt mean you when I mentioned socialist Rob.....

Rob Baiton said...


That's why my bed consists of a bottom sheet and a doona, easy to make :D

No offence taken on the socialist comment. I am not Indonesian so you could not have been referring to me anyway.

Anonymous said...

No maid and not panic? How can you, if even you cannot make toast, like an Indonesian student who happened to come for the first time here in Europe? The dependence of some Indonesian families to maids is too much. Their children simply never learn how to do daily house life.

Rob Baiton said...


I am from a way of life were there are no maids except for the super, super wealthy. So, I have always pretty much looked after myself.

On making toast. If I was desperate enough for toast and I did not have a toaster or a pan, then I would make toast using a cigarette lighter (assuming I had one) :D

Anonymous said...

Hey Rob, I know the real reason why you enjoy the maid-free time. You can prance around the house not burdened by clothing, I bet.

Total privacy is a wonderful thing.

(Special mental image for the blog goddess Rima)...oops and PB!!

Rob Baiton said...


Got me in one.

Nothing like getting rid of a burden every now and then like clothing is indeed a wonderful thing.

Quiet moments as much as privacy are good things for me.

Anonymous said...

GJ is so right. No maid means being able to roam around the house naked :D

My new maid is addicted to her mobile phone - she will be at it day and night talking about who knows what and it starts to reflect on how she works... perhaps I shud get her a hands free as well??? lol

Rob Baiton said...


I am sure you roaming around the house naked provides a better mental image for GJ than the image he might have of me :D

Hands free was the maid's choice. We pay her a salary and how she spends it is up to her.

I guess hands free was important to her. It seems very practical in that it allows her to talk and work at the same time, killing two birds with one stone so to speak.

Anonymous said...

Cut it out you two as my skin gets wrinkly and my hair mould from to many cold showers, not to mention grout lines on my knuckles!!!!

Rob Baiton said...


Just give up on trying to fight it with cold showers :D

Think of the positives: no wrinkly skin and no mouldy hair / fur.

Anonymous said...

Cold showers are a vital part of my sex addiction rehab regime. With my long arms any slip of the wrist causes broken fingers as my fist hits the wall.
Bugger I have to type this with only 1 good finger!!!!!

Rob Baiton said...


I am not gonna ask which finger the good one is!

Anonymous said...

Pinky is ok!!!! Proected from the wall by the others.

Cheers for caring

Rob Baiton said...


Orangutans are an endangered species, particularly the batik wearing kind.

Caring is the right thing to do, right?

Anonymous said...

oops missed the T

The Weary Traveller said...

Im usually naked in the morning. Nothing starts without PB on the balcony scratching his nuts.

The girls in the apartment block across the road all have alarm clocks and binos.....

Anonymous said...

And a porn addiction too apparently

Rob Baiton said...


An exhibitionist to boot!

So, is the scratching of the nuts for your benefit or for the benefit of those with the telescopes? :D


The porn addiction is secondary as it involves looking over the shoulder of someone across the road :D

Parvita said...

My assistant (I'd like to call her that because she is more than a maid) left for a week. When she was away, of course I have to clean the house, do laundry, and luckily she left all the food in the fridge so I just have to heat them up. Sort of quiet without her, because she is a chirpy 22 years old girl.

I lived in the states where I didn't have maid, and I survived having no maid for 2.5 years living in an apartment. Plus, I was raised to work so I know how to live by myself. One good thing that my parents told me.

Actually, a little privacy is good from time to time. What I don't like is ironing. Blah, it feels like hell.

Rob Baiton said...


"Assistant" is probably an accurate reflection :D

The Weary Traveller said...

I feel like a man when I scratch my nuts.

I can never find one though.

Dammit, its like Kababs, when I feel like a Kebab I cant find one either.....

Rob Baiton said...


Nuts and kebabs are getting a little off topic. Unless of course you care to elaborate on how they link back to the reliance on maids :D

The Weary Traveller said...

Jesus Rob that’s easy……

Maids get Kebabs in for your dinner, and a decent paid will scratch your nuts for you as you stand naked on the balcony.

AND she will be wearing her hands free kit and chatting to all the kampong as she says:
“Halo santi,, Saat ini aku lagi mengaruk buah zakar Polar bear..”