It is not uncommon for people to say their food tastes like shit, but how many of you have ever really been served shit? It turns out that one such family claims they were. The story goes that they were enjoying a Grand Final day out in the now more family friendly Coogee Bay Hotel. It never used to be so family friendly, I guess time changes all things eventually.
Anyways, the family orders a bowl of ice cream and at the bottom of the bowl is what seems to be compacted chocolate. However, this was certain to be like no other chocolate this family had ever eaten.
The chocolate has been tested by the Federal Government's National Measurement Institute confirms that the matter "has an offensive odour and physical properties similar to human excreta ... and to contain fragments of a variety of plant matter typical of excreta".
Interestingly, the Hotel owner Chris Cheung and general manager Tony Williams have offered the family AUD 5000 without admitting liability, which is like saying that it probably is what you said but we will never admit it, the family has rejected the offer as it seems to think it is on a winner. There are claims that hte family is demanding a cool million or so.
The family has now retained the law firm Slater&Gordon which seems to suggest that this might get messier still.
There are pretty stiff penalties for knowingly breaching NSW food laws. These include prosecutions, fines, and jail time for individuals. Now that the allegations have been made and the compacted chocolate tested and found to be consistent with faecal matter, I am not sure that you can sweep this under the carpet so to speak even if the family and the hotel settle out of court.
It seems that the Primary Industries Minister, Ian Macdonald, is looking to get in on the action and has suggested that the family contact the NSW Food Authority so McDonald can start an investigation.
Eeyuck! I'd go for million dollars too if I were the family. This is simply an experience you wouldn't forget in a lifetime and I bet they'd get a bad taste in their mouth everytime they remember it!
Ewwwww..... That's just way too nasty. I'm now sticking to those ice cream shops a la Baskin & Robbins where I can see what they put into my cup/cone!
Scarred for life!
Sort of ruins the whole ice cream experience, doesn't it?
It remains an allegation. But, for the life of me I am not sure that I get the reasoning.
I worked in the food service industry and people can be down right rude when they want to be but this kind of revenge never crossed my mind...
So, it was literally a shitty food experience rather that a figurative one.
I am not sure that way too nasty covers it. It was one of those things you read and go, nah. Then you read a little further and go, no frackin' way. You read a little further and hit the, way too nasty.
You get to the end and you're shaking your head and not sure what to say.
On Baskin & Robbins, and at the risk of spoiling the dream, you're only seeing what's coming out of the can and into the cone, not what went into the can in the first place.
Just a thought.
well this is very good hotel
True true.. But I must find a way to get over this -- ice creams are my favs. Well, USED to be.
Maybe I should buy that ice cream maker I saw the other day...
The hotel owner believes it's a sabotage, and is accusing the family of blackmail.(http://au.news.yahoo.com/a/-/latest/5103431/govt-probe-faeces-ice-cream-claim/)
Or could it be just a *very* unfortunate accident, since aparently people's hands are dirtier than they seem!(http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7667499.stm)
may be the same stuff
Cat Health...
Maybe you should on the ice cream maker. By the sounds of the news that I linked to it would seem that this is a little bit more than not washing your hands.
The claim of industrial sabotage is an attempt to shift the blame to an individual employee with a grudge. It is possible.
The fact that legally not much can be read into the fact the hotel offered them 5K to let it slide says to the court of public opinion that something happened. A payment without admitting liability would have most people thinking that a payment this small for what allegedly happened is a little on the short side.
Is it extortion? Well that would depend on what you think the damage is done and how you measure it. If they get investigated and they end up fined it could be more than a 100K and jail time. In that sense 5K seems a little on the short side.
Business Ops...
Not sure what you mean in terms of the same stuff.
So does Slater & Gordon have some sort of ambulance chasing reputation? - Adil
Gotta say that I do not know much about Slater & Gordon. I always thought they were a specialized personal injury firm but having looked at their site it seems they have expanded into other areas.
I have been here in Jakarta a while so I am sure many things have changed with law firms back in Australia.
I don't know, is personal injury law akin to ambulance chasing :D
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