Duchovny is married to Tea Leoni and they have two kids.
It is not clear to me yet whether this addiction was exclusively with his wife and the demands became too great that she told him it was time to get some professional help or his addiction took him outside the confines of marriage or his addiction manifested as regular (or continual) self-gratification.
I am guessing I can probably find this out if I look hard enough on the web. There has to be a gossip magazine somewhere that has the low down on the whole thing.
I wonder if there is a gene that makes people prone to addiction and whether the way that gene is coded determines what your addiction will be. I sometimes wish that I had paid more attention in science and biology class, then I might have ended-up being a scientist instead and then I would know the answers to these things.
I have the same bloody addiction, unfortunately I'm not a rich Hollywood actor, just a mere monkey man in batik, therefore have limited access to partners to satisfy my addiction........
.......................................Bugger, Bugger, Bugger!!!!!
Perhaps you should post more on your addiction and how you handle it :D
.......and I remember somebody wrote (in some other blog)..."Lucky Tea Leoni"....hahahaha
Rob, I didn't even know you could check into rehab for sex addiction. How can you be addicted to Sex? Does he want it 24/7 with his wife over and over again? I wonder what will they call his once famous movie? the Sex Files...? LOL!
If there is such a thing as photography addiction, I've got it. I doubt I would bother going to rehab though...:)
ps : may I add you on my blogroll? thanks.
Prefer Sting though who's rumoured to be able to perform for 4 hours due to his yoga/meditation/whatever....
No need a sex addict. Just someone who could hold long enough! LOL
I guess it depends on what they meant by lucky.
Yes, sex addiction is real. I think Michael Douglas also had a sex addiction issue before he married Catherine Zeta-Jones. Perhaps the cure lies in marrying a Welsh movie star :D
Sure on the adding me to your blogroll.
And if yoga or meditation doesn't do it for you then there is always viagra, right? :D
See, this is the benefit of watching E tv, right? I had never heard about Sting's sexual prowess and ability to be doing the deed for 4 straight hours. Very impressive!
I thought "sex addiction" came with having a penis.
Good call! Sounds about right to me.
hey, if i was married to Tea Leoni, i'll be a sex addict, too.
This assumes that his addiction was with his wife.
Hey Rob,
I don't need to post you summed it up in your request.
I guess you are "handling it" in a very literal sense :D
Sex adiction is a term invented by women to cover the natural desires of a guy.
Shopaholic is a term invented by men to cover the unnatural desires of a woman.
"Honey I bought a new handbag"
"Its ok dear, i humped my secretary..."
An interesting take on the development of language and the subtle differences in how we view certain actions.
The example conversation is reflective of a personal PB experience?
Never humped my secretary, nor peed on my own doorstep....
You have to live there....
I think there is a saying about birds and their nests as well.
He came through this plenty clean - the media would have assassinated some other celebrities - I wonder how much of that has to do with the fact that he's a guy (women don't seem to have a problem) AND good looking. I can think of a few women (and men) who wouldn't mind giving him a hand, so to speak ;-)
I agree that his coming through this fairly unscathed considering the addiction is worth thinking about. Perhaps people do not consider it a real addiction as it probably does not seem as dangerous or something, like say an alcohol addiction or a heroin addiction.
I will have to take your word on you knowing a few women and a few men that might want to help poor little David out by giving him a hand or both :D
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