Now, the Ba'asyir theory goes that a US warship off the coast of Bali fired a missile. He refers to this missile as a micro-bomb and not a regular bomb. The idea being that poor little Amrozi, Samudra, and Mukhlas are being framed by the US, Australia, and the Jews (presumably Israel).
As far as Ba'asyir can see, these would be the only countries that are capable of pulling off a conspiracy of this magnitude. He does though seem to suggest that Amrozi had a role in the first of the two explosions, but that the explosion was minor and at best shattered some glass and maybe wounded a few people but did not kill anyone.
It would seem that the cleric's contention is that Amrozi was a stooge and that the prosecutors in the case known this but are not brave enough to adduce the evidence in court and prove it.
Ba'asyir is allegedly the spiritual head of the Jemaah Islamiyya or JI. It is an allegation because he maintains that he has never been involved and that anyone claiming that they know him to be involved are kidding themselves. His did do some jail time for being part of an evil conspiracy. The court while sentencing him stated that he had given his approval for the bombings but had not been involved in any other way.
However, he is about to split from the Indonesian Mujaheddin Council and form a new organization concerned with the implementation of "pure" Islamic Law called the Jemaah Ansharut Tauhid. The plan is to launch this new organization on 25 October 2008.
If the speculation turns out to be true as it relates to the execution dates of Amrozi, Samudra, and Mukhlas, then maybe he will be launching this new group on the day of the bombers executions.
Then again, maybe not! Current speculation also has people saying that despite the chatter to the contrary the government is concerned about the impact the executions might have on their chance of re-election.
He left an already comfortable relationship to pursue a more ambitious goal by biting the hand that feeds him. He lost and now acted like a sore loser.
He is pathetic.
why am I not suprised at this turn of events.
I thought Islam also teach
"Thou shalt not lie"?
It is a scary thought this "ambitious goal" of his, particularly if it is to see the implementation of "pure" Islamic Law.
I am sure that the pan-Asian Caliphate will also be brought back into play with the launch of the new organization.
I don't know, why?
I suppose so.
Bugger!! another "WTF" moment for Indonesia
There has been a few :D
Yes and a sh*tload of them happen to me!!
That was what I was suggesting in my own subtle little way.
That was what I meant.
Yet another WTF moment indeed.
Problem is a lot of people will believe it.
I wonder if I can convince the Tax Office that my minor errors were caused by a massive CIA hacking attack.
I am not a lot of people :D
I tend to find myself smiling at the mere thought of people believing the idea. Not do much smiling at the prospect that some people will believe it though.
You could always try with the tax office.
In a poll published in the German weekly Die Zeit, that 31 percent of Germans younger than 30 "think that there is a certain possibility that the U.S. government ordered the attacks of 9/11."
In a poll published in the German weekly Die Zeit, that 31 percent of Germans younger than 30 "think that there is a certain possibility that the U.S. government ordered the attacks of 9/11."
Rosie O'Donnell expressed the same view on "The View".
Just because people believe it does not make it true, does it?
Good philosophical question Rob. If the majority believe something, then is it the truth?
Poor old ABB. He can't even come up with an original conspiracy so he just regurgitates the old micro nuke conspiracy. That kind of thing must happen when ya get older....keep repeating yourself.
As I recall this micro nuke thingy was discussed at some length a few years back on IM. There is also the vialls site which was used by Reublika as a source for one of their initial reports on the Bali Bombing.
Here is a link for you. http://www.mail-archive.com/yonsatu@mahawarman.net/msg01973.html
The missile is a new twist though.
I don't remember seeing any vapor trails way back then. I happenned to be just down the road at the time (Hard Rock)
Wasn't really thinking about posing a philosophical question. But, yeah, I guess it is!
The answer to this philosophical question is?
The missile is a nice twist, isn't it? I would have figured that it would have turned up on someone's radar somewhere and one of these someones would not be sympathetic to the US, Australian, Jewish conspiracy that ABB claims.
What a nutter I think he’s totally lost the plot I wish somebody would blow him up!
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Yep, the idea that it was a nuclear missile strike (or even a micro nuclear bomb) will have most people believing he is a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket.
This kind of attack happend in Indonesia few times. Most popular in Bali and Australian Embassy.
Same explosion, with mushroom cloud, electric power down in sec around d area.
Indonesia ppl has no idea about this blast from nuke. But demolision experts say that.
So, which country/group capable produce this kind WMD? Then ask them where you had delivered. That will be the 1# question.
I generally request my anonymous commentators to adopt a pen name (most comply with this simple request) so that I can distinguish one anonymous comment from another.
I got to say that at the time I did not read a lot of reports about mushroom clouds. The footage from the Australia Embassy clearly shows a small truck bomb.
This is not to say that a conspiracy is totally out of the question. I do not believe there was one though.
There is little evidence, in fact no solid evidence at all, that this was some kind of micro nuclear explosion.
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