I promised to post and here it is.
William Alun Baiton was born at 07.35 on 28 November 2008. He is a healthy 3.7 kgs and 50cm in length.
Mother and baby Will are doing well.
If any of you are wondering "Alun" is the Welsh spelling of Alan.
Alan is my father's name and today is his birthday.
Enjoy the pictures!
He looks cute. Congrats Rob.
Congratulation on being a daddy, Rob! ;) He looks like you a lot... bet he'll grow up being a handsome kid. ;)
I would have to agree, but then again I am biased as I am his dad.
Interesting blogs you have.
Once again, I would have to agree but as I said I am biased :D
Congrats Rob! He's a cute baby boy. Happy bday to your father as well :)
Top effort sport, you and the Misses do good work!!!
Big Congrats and wishes, hope to see the littl'n (Billy Baiton) down the Blok sometime.
Wah selamat Pak Rob.
My best wishes for the new born baby and the whole family. I think Will will be a babe magnet in the future :) ...
What a cute baby!!!!! Congrats Rob for the birth of William Alun!
How precious!!!!!!!
He's gorgeous, and all smile already!
All the best.
He is absolutely gorgeous!
Congratulations on your first child.
Wow! Congratulations!!!
Handsome baby! A copy of his dad! Congratulations!
Congratulations mate to you and your wife, what a lovely little boy, that's the welsh blood in him! I bet granddads pleased.
Oh my goodness, he is so cute and he looks happy! :) congrats to you both and enjoy the joy! More pictures please :)
Rob, it will be easy for me to remember your son's birthday. My nephew Alex was born on Nov 28, three years ago at about the same hour with your son. Alex just had a b'day celebration with his pre-nursery classmates yesterday! :)
congratz on being a dad, rob :)
Congratulations, Rob. And welcome to the world of parenting.
Cute baby!
He is soooooo cute! Congratulation!
Ha! ha! Definitely looking better than his dad already :)
Yay!! Congrats Rob, he's gorgeous!
I love the 3rd pic, btw.; "Stop taking my photos! Me needs sleep." LOL.
Dear All...
Thanks for the comments!
Dear Rob,
Congratulations. He's so adorable!!
Great mate I envy you, his little serious face, I think he’s brilliant, if you get bored with him how much do you want for him!! I’ve got the dosh!
He's very cute. You must be relieved.. lol
(don't take it as a offense, take this semi-insult as a sign that I care.. *wink*)
and please, send my congrats to wifey too!
Congratulations being a daddy Rob and being a mom to Mrs. Rob also. Happy Belated birthday to your father also.
I was wondering why there's no news after Plaza Indonesia.
Finally your dream come true.
He is so cute and big too :-) I think that comes from you.
Congratulations once again. Hm .. can't imagine how busy your day now :-p
Congratulations Rob.
Congratulations Rob!!! Welcome to Fatherhood.
well done
so perfect........
I think the old fella received the present he has been dreaming of :D
Not too soon!
Thanks! A babe magnet...that is something to look forward to! ;)
Santi D...
All babies are cute aren't they? :D
He opened his eyes immediately on being born and smiles a lot more than he cries. The little fella has a ferocious appetite and as all parents know and new parents like the wife and I are learning; what goes in, has to come out (sooner or later).
Thanks! I am already feeling the effects of sleep deprivation and it is not even three full days. Bugger!
Thanks! Wow, indeed! :D
The Writer...
He is a good looking kid! Way better looking at the same age compared to his old man!
Yes, his Grancher is pleased.
This is what I am saying to my Dad. It should be easy for him to remember Will's birthday as it is the same as his.
Cute as cute can be.
This parenting thing is certainly going to be a challenge!
Blogger Bercerita...
Thanks for stopping by and the comment. I am a little biased on this front, but I think he is pretty cute too!
Yep, he has me beat on all fronts.
Will is not the only one that needs some sleep. There are two pretty tired parents. I think his mother is more tired than his father as she has done all the hard work over the past nine months and then delivering the little fella.
Adorable is one word to describe him :D
Between commercial engagements and some prepping for a sinetron career, I am not sure that we will have any time to consider a sale.
Somehow I do not see boredom on the horizon in this kid's life, so I am not seeing any boredom for his parents either :D
No offense taken! You should know me better than that by now :D
The cuteness is a bonus. The being in good health was a relief! Your congrats have been passed on to the Wife.
Thanks! I am sure you can imagine. I could not begin to write down what the first couple of days have been like.
Although, having him home and under your own care 24/7 is a little different from where the nurses wheeled him out at designated times for feeding.
Is fatherhood something like the promised land? It has certainly become a defining moment, if not the defining moment, in my life to date.
Thanks. The Wife and I think he is just perfect too.
Dear All...
No apologies on the length of the previous comment I posted. I wanted to respond to you each individually.
The wife and I are happy little campers and it is, and will continue to be, fun sharing this with others.
We appreciate your comments and congratulations and that is something we thought and feel is worthy of individual comments to each of you.
Very cute Rob. Congratulations. Am sure he will be a bundle of joy as well.
Congratulations to you and your wife Rob, what a beautiful little boy, well worth the long wait and effort. Keep up the good work with the Blog, I enjoy your daily posts about Indo and life in general from the other side of the world. Paul Blackadder, Doha.
Congratulations Rob! He's beautiful! again lemme know if your wife needs help with regards to breastfeeding
Congratulations. Very cute kid. Wishing you and your new family all the best!
Big congrats to you and missus!
The kid looks really smart :)
he's very handsome pak rob :)
Thanks! He is certainly a bundle. A bundle of many things, and joy is just one of them, that are resulting in severe sleep deprivation, but we are loving it and him!
Thanks for the congrats. I will probably be posting with one hand while rocking the little fella to sleep with the other.
Will do!
Thanks. How could he not be cute with an old man as handsome as me? :D
He does look smart, doesn't he? I am biased though...Funnily enough when the doctor came round to check him out he said that what struck him was that Will looked so calm and so wise when he was delivered, kind of like he new that it was time, his time, to make the grand entrance to the world.
But all baby boys look handsome, don't they?
Sorry about the lateness...
Congratulations, now the fun begins!
Best Wishes to all of you!
Rob, he is sooo cute... Happy sleepless for 1 months ahead :)
Selamat, Pak Rob!
Selamat datang, Will! :D
Congratulation, of course!
Note: "alun" in malay/indonesian is a poetic word for "waves". I hope he will give Indonesia, Australia, and of course the world his waves of warmth and wisdom, like his father's.
What a handsome fellow! Congratulations!!
Thanks for the good wishes. Let the fun and games begin...well they already have.
Only a month? That is good because I was thinking it would be longer ;)
Cool. The little fella seems destined to make waves, poetic and otherwise, being born on Jumat Kliwon and all :D
I guess it is the stock that he comes from :)
This is the first time i visited your blog and I can't wait to say Congratulations..
He is so cute...:-)
From Heart...
Thanks for dropping by and taking the time to leave a comment.
Thanks on the congratulations front.
duh lucunya pak Rob, jadi panggilannya Wil atau Alun nih
Panggilannya, Will.
so....we can call you 'Big Daddy', now?
Great looking kid, that Will is. It makes me remember about how I would do the two 'hard' sets for the night...2:30, 4:30.
No arguments from me at all, and truthfully, while it did surprise me at first that i was doing the changing and feeding and rocking and cooing, it just seemed rigt.
Lil daughter is now 20, and would scream like a banshee would i walk in on her at 0230 hrs in the morning to ask if she has to go!
Congrats, Rob.
I have a cigar for the event (I still don't know why cigars) but, I don't smoke myself, so, I will light it and set it on the kitchen island and think of you and your new family.
Thank you! Lighting the cigar and letting it burn on the kitchen table is a nice gesture from a non-smoker to a non-smoker.
Well, I do not really believe this will have success.
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