Buddy Holly died way before I was even a twinkle in my old man's eye. Yet, I really like his music and I always have. I do not know whether I would be classified as a fan however I have a few albums. This post is being written as I sit in the office waiting for a colleague to send her work through for editing. As I punch away on the keyboard I am listening to Golden Greats which is a 1989 compilation of Buddy Holly classics.
My introduction to Buddy Holly was through my dad and his collection of vinyl 45s. I am old enough to claim to be born before the CD generation. Those were the days, the good old days, sitting around an old GMV record player screaming along at the top of our lungs.
I guess my understanding of the importance of Buddy Holly and his contributions to music are to be found in Don McLean's, American Pie. I have the original album somewhere and a few more copies that have been digitally remastered and the like.
My favourite Buddy Holly song is "True Love Ways".
"True love ways" is indeed a great one. Not to be confused with Radiohead's "True Love Waits" which is also great.
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Not to be confused indeed :D
Hei Rob,
I like this kind of classic song too, thanks to my Dad. He introduced me to classic songs like "Strangers in the Night", "Let It Be Me", "My Way" and lot more when we used to sang karaoke at home.
Those old days when Happy Puppy was not existed yet. But Im proud to know those songs as not much people of my generation could realize how lovely these songs compare to just Britney Spears.
Classic songs are forever.
I was not really trying to compare a past generation of music to this one. Merely, I was pointing out that there are songs that we hear when we are younger that seem to stick with us forever.
When I hear these songs it is often like comfort food for the soul. It allows me to close my eyes and go back in time to places that are full of happy memories.
Yea Rob, know the feeling well mate I do the same, it was a different world then, it's sad but unfortunately we can never go back.
Do not know that I really want to go back to those times. Merely making the point that they were good times.
Life goes on and we forever continue to march forward into the future.
That's life!
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