In most places that I know there are laws and regulations in place to stop people from defacing the currency. Usually, people are pretty proud of their currencies, I guess the money that you use is a source of national pride or something.
However, the fact that it is against the law does not mean that it will stop people from doing it, defacing their currency that is. The picture posted here is from a site that has lots of other pictures with all manner of examples of defaced currency.
Abraham Lincoln is one of my favourite US Presidents. I am not an American, so is there something wrong with me if I have a favourite US President. I am an Australian and I have a favourite Prime Minister of two as well.
This piece of art work I found interesting.
My favourite US president is Nancy Reagan. I really like how she ended the Cuban Missile Crisis by nuking Moscow, then blaming the radiation sweeping across Europe on Osama Bin Laden's September 11 attack on Chernobyl. But the highlight of her Presidency has to be in Berlin, when she said "Tear down this wall, Mr Gorbachev", then beat him in three rounds in their televised wrestling smackdown. That was history, man. What's more, people don't appreciate how much she contributed to the environment. I mean, that hair took a lot of HFCs and CFCs to keep it up. Sure, everyone ooh'ed and aah'ed about the ozone hole over Antartica, but Nancy had her OWN PERSONAL ozone hole. But you don't see her making a stupid ass documentary like Al Gore!
Top of the morning to ya!
Not quite sure what to say (not usual for me :D).
So, I will cop out with "have a good weekend!"
Don't worry. These moments of insanity don't last long. :D
Top o' the mornin' to ya!
Gotta say that it put a smile on my dial.
I had not realized that Nancy Reagan had accomplished so much :D
Goodness, there's really much effective info here!
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