The title of this entry might be a little misleading (but the photo isn't though is it?) as I really want to talk about chastity belts and the idea that a little padlock will do! I must confess the topic is inspired by a thread running over at Indonesia Matters (Patung I do not know you but you have way too much free time on your hands if you can find this stuff out! Keep it coming!)...but it is based on a story out of the mainstream media (Kompas)
Now, in most parts of Indonesia a good panti pijat (massage parlour) can get you a "full" body massage and if you are a seasoned connoisseur then perhaps you will know your way around to the "full service" massage joints. It seems though that the government has decided to crack down on these dens of sin and depravity by requiring the female masseuses' to padlock their gear including their panties in order to prevent men from taking advantage of the situation...perhaps some of you more familiar with these services might be able to add a little about the "happy ending" and whether this is a value add service that is offered rather than demanded!
Otherwise I will have to trot out the well worn ... "I heard from a 'friend'" explanation!
If you can, try and visualize all these massage parlour owners running down to the local hardware store and cleaning them out of padlocks, then running back to their establishments, and then once they get there trying to figure out how the bloody hell am I going to attach this so that the masseuse cannot get her gear off?
But better than a padlock is a real, fair dinkum, no questions asked, balls taking chastity belt. The technology might have been a little crude in the centuries past but as the above photo highlights, a good chastity belt can become a fashion item in its own right, particularly when it covers all the essential bits! Besides I also thought it was time to get a little risque with the pictures (hope you approve FriskoDude, you did say more pictures, right?)...
I am sure that vice is a problem in Jakarta but I would hope that before the government of Jakarta spends any more time on this or any resources on study tours both locally and overseas that they fix the potholes in the roads! Because while taking an ojek to work this morning my normally trustworthy and slow ojek hit a pothole and I think I jarred my spine, so I am going to have to go and get a 'healthy' massage to repair my aching back!
Simply, the failure to fix Jakarta's rapidly deteriorating roads ensures that these dens of sin and depravity are full with the victims of these woeful Jakarta roads...
Happy hunting for the perfect panti pijat...the padlocks are coming, the padlocks are coming!
hi rob
Isman has published a very funny entry on this matter. As I commented there the opportunities for the bureaucracy are limited only by their imagination. Perhaps this whole issue can be viewed as a clever job creation scheme.
Published where?
Job creation scheme for who?
Yep, the bureaucrazy certainly seem to have plenty of creativity and way too much time on their hands!
Glad I posted something that finally drew a comment...
PJ, thanks for stopping by!
here is the link
Now Rob,
What are you doing here?? Padlocking would just add another step in the process, Find the massage "salon" choose the girl, then under the government scheme "rent" the key, continue as per the old process. Even if the keys were secured in a central depository, you have heard the term "many ways to skin a cat"
Lets just fix the pot holes, hospitals, education system and let the big people sort out their own massage arrangements.
As I have posted at Isman's blog, in which I will post again, although it is taken from someone else's quote in Kaskus:
There are plenty of ways to get to Rome.
Thanks for posting the link. I have already stopped by to check it out!
GJ and Therry...
Yep, more than one way to skin a cat and more than one way to get to Rome...
I guess my point was that there probably are more pressing matters that the various levels of government in Indonesia need to be addressing rather than the dressing of masseuses and presumably masseurs (although the padlock connected to the old fella poses some interseting questions of its own aside from just being a little bit on the kinky side, potentially)...
I just do not think the bureaucrazy have thought this through in the big scheme of things...
That story was brought to my attention by Tomaculum, an old IM regular, and of course I seized on it, right up my alley!
Excellent photo. Now watch your hits soar....
Hey Carl...
I figured you were right on the more photos thing! Adds a bit of colour...It has to be a conscious effort on the shorter blog entries though (still trying to master that one)...
Just trying to make the point of the foolishness of padlocks when there are many more modern versions that would seem to be better designed for the intended purpose :)
Had not thought about the soaring hits thing though...we'll see I guess...
Been stopping by your blog but have not seen any new entries for a couple of days?
Have a good week!
This won't really have success, I believe this way.
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