Here is one for the "only in Indonesia" file!
A book on how to catch a white bloke...the blogs have been active of late on the issue of white folk who are known, affectionately so we're told, in Indonesia as bules.
Sure to add fuel to this fire is a posting at Indonesia Matters about a book recently published by Gramedia (review in Indonesian -- sorry) in Indonesia titled: "How to Catch Mr. Bule - A Guide Book for Women Wanting to Date Foreign Men". This will set you back the meagre sum of just IDR 25,000.
It is a bit late for me to go out and buy this book today. But loyal readers I will be on a mission to go out and buy it tomorrow and report back my findings.
I am guessing though that this is a harmless yet serious attempt to help out women who are keen to find the Mr. Right White Fella. So, in that sense it is just another self-help manual and what's the harm in that?
Besides the advice is probably characterized in such a way that it would be universal for any women who are looking at or considering a mixed-race relationship/marriage...As I said, more to follow tomorrow after I have had a chance to buy and read it.
Never criticise a book by its cover...so off I go to buy it with an open mind.
I tried at one Gramedia store, they checked their computer, and the guy said 'no stock', so I wanted to be sure so I specifically asked him did you have it and then you sold them all? and he said yes. Then I asked about other branches, and the helpful bastard gave me a list of their telephone numbers.
Got it in Gramedia in Metropolitan Mall Bekasi...there were two big stacks of them...
Here it goes...another celebration of inferior mentality and may disguise it under the umbrella of multiculturalism!
How to catch mr bule...which bule?
Hey Rob,
Does it have a list of names and phone numbers in it, if not please pencil in GJ from Jakarta and spread it around. :)
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