Why is it that human beings have such an exaggerated appetite for death and destruction? This appetite includes an obvious innate desire to limit our opportunities for survival on this planet. We better hope those astro-scientist types work out practical ways for us to live elsewhere in the universe or we will soon be victims of our own excesses.
What inspired this not so cheery post is a press release from the UN that highlights the human race's propensity to destroy its environment means the likelihood of finding cures to modern diseases decreases as rapidly as the natural environment that we destroy on a daily basis.
An example of this is the Rheobatrachus or the Southern Gastric Brooding frog which was thought to produce substances that slowed acid and enzyme excretions which are a main cause of peptic ulcers! Nah, bugger me if we haven't gone and made this poor little frog extinct and with it the possibility of finding and developing a treatment for the prevention of peptic ulcers - idiots!
Just the possibility that the cure for cancer or HIV/AIDS is just sitting there out in the environment there waiting to be discovered must become motivation enough for us as a people to protect the biodiversity that we have left.
Climate change, stripping away of natural resources, environmental degradation, and the like are real and we each need to start playing our little parts in turning the tide against what will ultimately lead to our destruction!
This would be the ultimate irony for those that believe in God our ability to destroy that which was given us! It would also be the ultimate vindication for evolutionists as the cycle of life and death would fit nicely into the evolution theory of humans coming into existence and ultimately being evoluted out of existence.
"Evoluted" - I think you made that word up.
"an exaggerated appetite for death and destruction?"
But is that it?, I think the death and destruction is just a by-product of other desires, the desires themselves are not "death and destruction".
Picky, picky, picky!
Yep, I think I did make it up :D
Indeed, a by-product of other desires but the outcome is the key and therefore it remains an appetite for death and destruction, particularly when we know that these other desires result in a particular outcome!
Point taken as always...
Have a good weekend!
i am not sure of what you mean. but i understand what UN tried to say. for example in Vietnam, Thailand, Laos and Cambodia, the rise of rice production has already proven o decrease the rice field biodiversity, such as frogs snails, freshwater fishes, etc.
the poor thing is, local people who lives in the surrounding rice field area are incredible relying their nutritional intake from these animals.
if these animals are gone because the world population need more rice to satisfy their stomach, thus we use more pesticides and fertilizers that kills these animals, what will the very poor people eat?
bubble economy could also happen to food industry. eople are starting to invest in food while food is actually human rights. if we want sustainable development, then pro poor development should be started from such program, empowering and preserving the source of food for the poor.
i am not an environmental romance person, i enjoy people's criticize to Edward Wilson as well, but it's real Rob..
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