The only recourse left now is to seek clemency from the President. It would seem unlikely that the President would entertain such an idea. Yet, then again who knows for sure.
The shenanigans that have gone on here delaying these executions is an embarrassment. The Poso Three whose alleged crimes were committed around the same time as the bombings in Bali have already been executed for killing fewer people and in spite of "evidence" being put forward at the last minute which was claimed to show that they were not the masterminds as alleged. This evidence was summarily dismissed and the three were executed.
It is sad that the Bali Bombers are being afforded opportunities that were not made available to others. It begs the question, are they being treated differently because the law allows them to be or are they being treated differently for some other reason such as they are Muslims in a predominantly Muslim country?
I am anti-death penalty and feel these three terrorists should not be given what they claim to want, martyrdom. On the contrary, they should be afforded the opportunity to rot in prison. From a purely legal standpoint with respect to enforcement of the law. It is time that these men were executed to ensure that the standard remains the same for all.
Judgment Day is edging ever-closer!
I think it is probably more a case of the Govt making sure that justice is seen to be done, in the light of the international attention these guys have had. The last thing they need is ANOTHER allegation of human rights abuse.
Perhaps! Although, personally, I think that if they executed these chaps that the outcry would be muted!
The legal arguments are not on whether they did it but on technicalities such as whether the firing squad is a legitimate means of execution for Muslims or do they have to be decapitated.
The legal arguments about whether the terrorism law could be used have been resolved. I think it is bad law but that is how the courts have interpreted it.
Therefore, it is time to get on with the unsavoury deed of seeing the judgment carried out.
there are virgins waiting for them Rob, I have proof, a picture I just posted here.
Nice picture of the 72 virgins :D
Crikey! Please don't tell me that there are rules about how are you supposed to decapitate someone?
This kind of stuff makes me oppose the death penalty even more!
There probably is, but I have not looked for them. I would be sure that there would be plenty of survivors and family members of the victims that would opt for a blunt sword and do the deed themselves.
The claim was that Islam does not provide for a firing squad as one of the means of carrying out an execution.
It was an interesting argument but in the big scheme of things a moot point. Dead is dead whether thy head is removed from one's shoulders or you are shot through the heart.
The rationale is that their martyrdom would be guaranteed if they were headless as opposed to full of holes.
Quite effective info, thank you for the post.
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