As media stories go, this must mean that there is no news of real importance out there in the world of national or international affairs or the design of Obama's gold wedding band is in fact news of both national and international importance. I will leave you to be the judge on this one.
The photos are courtesy of The Huffington Post.
Just about everyone in the world must know that Obama has a black Kenyan father and a white American mother. Most all must also know that he spent some of his formative years in Indonesia. Apparently he still has fond memories of the country, and still speaks a little of the local lingo, Bahasa Indonesia, or just plain old Indonesian to the rest of us.
The New York Times magazine has a story on the "First Marriage" , and the story identifies that Barack Obama's wedding ring is not only gold, but that it is crafted in a traditional Indonesian style.
I wonder whether this gives more fodder to the birthers who seem to still be fascinated with whether or not Obama is qualified to be president as they dither between whether he was born in Kenya or Hawaii and whether the president ever held Indonesian citizenship or not as a boy (courtesy of his stepfather, Lolo Soetoro).
In any event, the fact that the "most powerful man" in the world is wearing a wedding band using an Indonesian design is a bit of an advertising and marketing scoop for Indonesian jewelry artisans everywhere. Perhaps, there may now be a run on wedding bands with an Indonesian design.
Thanks Obama!
Sound's great! It can be a very good promotion for Indonesia.
Not sure that it was made in Indonesia. It just says that it is an Indonesian design. Yet, that is probably good enough to claim some bragging rights for it.
Although, it should not be long and Malaysia will try and claim that it is a Malaysian design ;)
Well, Obama's wedding ring is quite pretty, but what I'm really interested in is about Michelle Obama's ring!
Vintage Rings...
Her wedding ring?
Wow It looks awesome. I love that design very much. My Wedding Ring would be really awesome. Everyone present over there liked it very much.
It can't truly work, I believe like this.
This is not a wedding ring at all, the ring has a muslim inscription that says Allah is the only god! Wake up people.
The writting on the ring is Arabic, Not Indonesian. He has worn this ring since the 1980's. It says "'There is no God but Allah' — the first half of the Shahada, the only prayer a person needs to recite to convert to Islam."
Arabic-language and Islamic experts “the gold band Obama has been wearing on his wedding-ring finger for more than 30 years is adorned with the first part of the Islamic declaration of faith
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