It will be interesting to read any comments. Although, I am not expecting any comments. However, the cartoon could be construed to be offensive or it might reinforce the beliefs of many that perhaps the terrorists are misinterpreting religion and in fact facing the wrong way.
The cartoon could have been drawn for any religion. Nevertheless, there has been a tendency since 9/11 to link Islam with terror, and I think that this cartoon says something about that connection or lack thereof.
mmmm...Why not then...Can I start?
Not all Muslims are terrorists...but most terrorist are Muslims
Although therein lies the rub..What's a Muslim?
Thanks for getting the ball rolling on this one.
Very interesting picture.
I think that it shows that almost all Muslims are good people who choose the right way, and only very few choose the wrong way as terrorist.
well said Harry. Is their any rule about carrying weapons during prayer??
It is not the Islam that made terrorist but stupidity, unfortunately stupidity in Islam still sangat besar.
Being moslem myself, I learn a lot beautiful thing from Islam,
I learn not to give up doing good deed to all peoples without exception, including even to those who hate me.
The story below about the Prophet Muhammad and the blind beggar, I heard it since I was a little kid attending Qur’anic study in Kampong mosque. And a lot more beautiful stories that will make moslem have beautiful life in this beautiful world (without violence)
In the corner of the marketplace of Madinah, was a blind Jewish beggar, who would cry out daily to all those who came near him," O my brothers, don't be near Muhammad! He's a lunatic, he's a liar, a sorcerer! If you are to be close to him, you will be influenced by him!"
No matter whoever approached him, the blind Jewish beggar will definitely not waste his chance to incite them to hate the Prophet Muhammad even though he had never known the Prophet personally!
The news about the blind Jewish beggar's daily cursing and badmouthing him came to the knowledge of the Prophet ! Even then, the Holy Prophet Muhammad did not get angry and he ignored the blind Jewish beggar's insults against himself!
On the contrary, from that day onwards, at each morning, the Prophet visited the blind beggar and brought food for him! Without saying a single word, the Blessed Messenger would feed the beggar with his own hand! The blind beggar would chew the food being fed to him and eat contentedly. Once he was full, he'd express his gratitude without knowing that the one who had fed him was the Holy Prophet of Allah,
The Prophet Muhammad continued to feed the blind beggar without fail each day till the day he died! Throughout his service to the blind beggar, he never identified himself to the blind beggar!
After the Prophet Muhammad had passed away, no one brought food to the blind beggar anymore! The blind beggar waited daily and was perplexed as to why the kind man did no longer come to feed him and provide for him as he had done all this while.
One day, the closest Companion of the Holy Prophet, Abu Bakar As Siddiq, visited the home of his daughter, Aishah, the widow of the Blessed Messenger. Abu Bakar asked Aishah, " O my child, is there any habit of my beloved (Prophet) that I have yet to carry on?" Aisyah replied, " Dear Father, you are verily a follower of the Sunnah (Habits) of the Prophet and there is none that you have yet to do except for one deed only!" " What is that?" asked Abu Bakar. "Every morning, the Prophet of Allah will go to the end of the marketplace, bringing food to a blind old Jewish beggar who lives there and feed him by his hand," said Aishah.
The next day, Abu Bakar As Siddiq went to the marketplace with food for the blind beggar. Abu Bakar As Siddiq approached the beggar and started to feed him. At the first handfull of food being fed to him, the blind Jewish beggar became angry and shouted out ," Who are you?" Abu Bakar answered " I am the one who usually feeds you every morning". "No! Don't you lie to me!" objected the blind beggar. Abu Bakar was shocked, thus he asked" Why do you say so?" Answered the blind Jewish beggar," Because when he comes to me, I always felt it easy to hold his hand and found it easy to chew the food he fed me! The man who used to feed me would make the food fine before feeding it to me!" Abu Bakar As Siddiq could not hold back his tears anymore and he burst out crying and had to disclose who he actually was to the beggar. "Verily, I am not the one who used to come and feed you. I am one of his Companions for the noble one is alive no more! He was none other than the Blessed Prophet of Allah, Muhammad !" "Muhammad?" asked the blind old Jewish beggar, totally shocked with what he had just heard. "You mean to tell me that the one who came each morning without fail and fed me by his hand was Muhammad?" asked the beggar. "Yes! It was Muhammad!" answered Abu Bakar.
It certainly seems to show two opposing views.
Why? You have something particular in mind that you are referring to?
I think most religions have a retelling of events such as this one. They are supposed to teach us something about ourselves as mush as they are to glorify the goodness of the doer, in this case the Prophet.
Simply, there is a moral to the story that we should learn as a means of bettering ourselves and the lives of those around us.
"Simply, there is a moral to the story that we should learn as a means of bettering ourselves and the lives of those around us."
A simple but effective model to live by...
On a lighter note...Always kinda like the "google" motto ..
I am a simple fella when one gets right down to it. Life is so much easier if we simplify it :D
that's a cute cartoon.
Well it is a ctur cartoon, and here recently I turned my life back to God. and He tells me I must love everybody.even out enemies. But still a cartoon of truth somewhat. great job.
Makes an interesting statement and it's cute too! What could be wrong with that?
I enjoyed the cartoon because it is a cartoon that not only puts a smile on my dial, it also has an important message in it.
Surely, the guy is totally just.
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