17 September 2010

Will with Mum and Dad...

This happy family snappy is from a few months ago...I have finally stumbled across the right little cable to connect my mobile phone to my computer (I probably could have used infrared come to think of it, oh well) and transferred the photos from the phone.


Unknown said...

Hi Rob,
You've got a happy family. Congrats!

Yari NK said...

What a happy family. Hopefully it will last eternally, the happiness.

By the way, what do you mean by you have finally stumbled across the right little cable to connect your mobile phone to your computer?? As far as I know today's phones are mostly equipped with bluetooth, all you have to do is to buy an inexpensive bluetooth dongle to be attached to your computer to connect it to your phone. No need to fuss with all the cables anymore...

Rob Baiton said...

@ Harry...


@ Yari NK...


Using a little and old netbook and needed a cable...