12 August 2009

Miss Indonesia, Miss Universe, and Swimsuits

Zivanna Letisha Siregar is Indonesia's representative in the Miss Universe 2009 competition currently being held at Atlantis, Paradise Island in the Bahamas. The coveted title of Miss Universe is to be announced on 23 August 2009.

The above is a photo is of Zivanna in her swimsuit. Normally, Indonesian contestants in these competitions generally attract lots of criticism form local Indonesian media and religious organizations.

The primary complaint being that beautiful Indonesian women and swimsuits do not mix. Although, I have not read too much about the issue this year, at least, in the Indonesian press. I wonder whether this means attitudes are changing or is it simply a case of there being too much other news worthy stuff in need of reporting? Let's hope that Zivanna and her choice of swimsuit do not overshadow her achievements in the competition.

The main controversy to-date seems to have been over Miss Peru's national costume, "la diablada". The costume has offended Bolivia because Bolivia claims that the costume is a manifestation of their folklore and not that of Peru.


Anonymous said...

Great to see some quality pics on the blog even if some are 51!!!

SOOOOOOOO much better than a sinetron shocklet.


Rob Baiton said...


Glad to have been of service.


lawbee said...

Which would look better in a burqua?? In relation to the NMT hiding behind a burqua, do you know if police in Indonesia, Australia or elsewhere to ask it be removed in some cases e.g, to check identity on entering a plane??

what is the legal force behind mall bag searches here?? is it simply because "its my building and you must enter on my terms" or is it legally backed, I wonder??

oigal said...

Hey where's Tiara Lestari!!!... You can never have too much Tia..

oigal said...

Hey where's Tiara Lestari!!!... You can never have too much Tia..

lawby said...

IN Australia one cannot enter a bank wearing a helmet. What is the rule on this?? what is the purpose of this rule? Does it apply to burquas too??

Questions from my students stemming from NMT and wearing bikinis in Malaysia debate


oigal said...

Hey where's Tiara Lestari!!!... You can never have too much Tia..

oigal said...

What is the rule on this?? what is the purpose of this rule? Does it apply to burquas too?

Sorry can't help myself..

Purpose is so bank cameras can take the picture of evil doers if necessary..does it apply to Burquas.. Dunno..It should.. I would scream blue murder if I was customer and they didn't insist upon it.

oigal said...

Hey where's Tiara Lestari!!!... You can never have too much Tia..

oigal said...
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oigal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rob Baiton said...


I am not sure on the airport checks. Although, I noticed last time I was in Dubai that they had a separate and shielded area for special checks on passengers wearing all-covering outfits. I am not sure though whether it was for everyone. To be honest I was not paying that much attention.

Malls are not public property. A mall is private property that allows the public to enter. Therefore, as an enclosed space the owner can set the rules for admission. At least that is the argument.

Simple, yes; my building, my rules. Legally backed? Yes.

Rob Baiton said...


You are leaving a lot of comments. Thanks, it is making my visitor stats look good.

Tia is coming (that probably does not sound right, does it?)

Rob Baiton said...


Yes, on the banks and to all intents and purposes the Stump has answered that one.

On the burqa, no.

The was a recent incident in Sydney where a bus driver refused entry to a Muslim women who was wearing the veil. If I am not mistaken he called it a mask and told her that the law said he could not let anyone on his bus who was wearing a mask.

Long story short, she complained, and the driver was reassigned and required to undergo sensitivity training. The woman was given a full and unconditional apology.

There has been some talk here about what should happen when a burqa wearing woman is applying for a drivers license or a passport. I would need to look up the actual requirements to be certain, but as far as I know there is no requirement for them to remove the head covering.

Unknown said...

The media here don't say much about her because they are too occupied with the election, terrorists, manohara, etc, etc.

Rob Baiton said...


No doubt this is true.

However, at all the other times the swimsuit issue has become an issue there have been other things happening as well at the same time.

So, why should this one be any different? I guess that was the point I was trying to make.

Oh well.

oigal said...

Honest it wasn't me...My computer must have had a tia lock issue

Rob Baiton said...


No dramas :D

www.cadiz-3d.com said...

It won't truly have effect, I suppose so.