04 September 2010

John Travolta, Cheating, and Gay Sex...

I figure the commentary I do on Indonesia is more interesting and, generally, more important. But, the reality of blogging is that sometimes getting the punters in means that you blog about something that is likely to pique the interest of a larger majority. Maybe, some of those looking for John Travolta and gay sex or lewd sex acts, might just stick around and read some of my other posts. Then again, truth be told, I doubt it. I figure that if one is on the hunt for John Travolta and gay sex, then a post on the intricacies of a PDI-P visit to the KPK is not going to do it for you!

Well, it seems, at least according to Perez Hilton's site, Mr. Travolta has been cheating on his currently pregnant wife for almost two decades. It is further reported that Mr. Travolta has been a regular on the gay spa scene for nearly as long. The juicy bits are the allegations that he regularly engages in lewd sex acts with other men. I wonder what makes it lewd? Particularly in 2010. Is it lewd because it is man on man?

Anyways, enough of the wondering about the sex acts. Although, the wondering can never cease. I wonder what the good 'ol boys and girls down at the local cult office (aka Church of Scientology) think about Mr. Travolta's second lifestyle. Maybe he is getting in touch with his inner thetan?

Nothing like a little bit of celebrity gossip to kick off a Saturday morning.


Unknown said...

Hi Rob,
John Travolta a gay?

Rob Baiton said...

@ Harry...

I guess if you believe the National Enquirer and Perez Hilton, then the answer to that most pressing question is yes!

I am sure that there will be more written on this one.

Yari NK said...

Hmmm... I think I still cannot speed up my pace to catch on current sexual penchant. Who knows... interspecies sex will be the next thing as long as the other species is happy.

Perhaps I'm still in the 19th century Rob, but I'm not that extreme to say (unlike a certain bunch of people are) that this kind of man need be slaughtered, beheaded, decapitated and what not.

Rob Baiton said...

@ Yari NK...

Dude, you have really been thinking about this, haven't you? Inter-species sex. Next it will be all alien sex. Oh, hold on, John Travolta is an alien, well at least he is a thetan.

To each their own. If the gay sex thing is what he is into, then so be it. It is not my preference, but then again it is not me, so who am I to judge John Travolta.