07 January 2011

Kirk Cameron: Growing Pains and America as a Sinking Ship...

It is funny how you lose track of time and people from one's past and then all of a sudden they reappear seemingly out of nowhere. That is sort of how I feel about Kirk Cameron. I had not heard Kirk Cameron's name uttered in years. To be honest, I had not really followed his career since "Growing Pains" vacated our televisions screens way back when. Although, I do recall watching him in a film that I quite enjoyed at the time with Jami Gertz, Listen to Me. I guess, my interest in Cameron's career sort of waned as his interest increased in God and he became a born again Christian.

I have nothing against God, but his evangelism meant that he was not doing the film and TV work that I was likely to be watching.

Anyways, Kirk Cameron is back in the news. He has recently made a film, Monumental, which details America's descent into financial, moral and spiritual decay. The film is a documentary that traces the steps of the Pilgrims as a means of finding the answers that will enable America to right the sinking ship. Cameron also recently appeared on Anderson Cooper 360 to talk about the film. Funnily enough, Cooper took the chance to ask Cameron his thoughts on birds falling out of the sky and whether this was a sign of the end of days. Cameron was not amused and it is supposedly a bit of an incident. I will have to try and pick it up on cable tomorrow.

Well, back to the real world. My moment of reminiscing about my youth has passed. Time to get on with living the moment.

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