07 January 2011

The History of Horror Porn In Indonesia...

Hey, the title is a little bit of a misnomer. But, the point of this post is to highlight that comedy horror films starring foreign actresses have quite a long history in Indonesia, and it has not always been a tortured one. Or maybe it was just a matter of there not being an FPI equivalent active at the time when these earlier films were made.

A recent spate of campy Indonesian horror films starring the incredible acting talents of Japanese and US porn stars, such as Maria Ozawa (Miyabi), Rin Sakuragi, and Tera Patrick, has been controversial to say the least. However, campy horror films with foreign stars and Indonesia as a backdrop is not a new phenomenon so it seems. Most of my musings on the subject can be found here.

Read this spiel about the 1992 film Dangerous Seductress:

Fleeing her abusive boyfriend, Susan (Tonya Lawson) jumps on a plane to Indonesia, where her sister lives. There, Susan stumbles across a black-magic book of spells and accidentally raises the spirit of a 1,000-year-old witch with a thirst for blood. This campy horror flick features the special-effects makeup artistry of Steve Prouty, the master behind such films as The Cat in the Hat and the live-action How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

You can actually download the film online here.

I am wondering why the producers of this film chose Indonesia of all the countries in the world that they could of had her sister living in. Indonesia is a beautiful country, the peoples of Indonesia are warm and welcoming, but campy horror films with scantily clad women seems to make Indonesia an odd choice. But, perhaps not seeing the director is none other than H. Tjut Djalil.

I make a point of learning something new about Indonesia every single day of my life. Some of the things I learn are important and useful. Some of the things I learn get filed away in the trivia drawer of my brain. You never know when you might get a trivial pursuit question on Indonesian horror films and foreign actresses!

The film starred Amy Weber, Tonya Lawson, Kristin Anin and Joseph Cassano.

If you do decide to download the film, or if you have already seen it, then feel free to post a review of it here as a comment ;)


  1. I want my one hour and 37 minutes back!

  2. @ Anonymous...

    Thanks for the short and sweet review.

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