07 January 2011

Was the "Big Bang" God's Work?

I have always wondered why the Catholic Church felt threatened by science supposedly undermining religion. After all, how much simpler could it be than to say that science exists because God wants it to and then place God one step in front of anything that should be 'discovered'. So, in that sense I am wondering why the recent declaration by Pope Benedict XVI that God was responsible for the "Big Bang" is even news at all?

Yep, the "big bang" happened. But, nothing in the universe that God has created happens by chance. Therefore, it makes perfect sense that God is responsible for the big bang. Simply, what might look like chaos for most of us is in fact a well-thought out and planned act of God.

I will definitely sleep better tonight knowing this, particularly after I watch "The Big Bang Theory" on television. Will you?


  1. Was the "Big Bang" God's Work? Nope it wasn't because he doesn't exist.

    1. I know that God is real becuse I have Felt him, I have fallen to the floor I the must supernatural way, my body has trembledO.o...and In 2 ocations I have been praying and someone has come up to me and answered back to everything I said in my head.. o.o I think that's crazy! But it's real... I wish you could feel It too... At least for one day, and then decide if it's real or not...

  2. @ Ashton Lamont...

    Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. Comments are always appreciated.

    And, to the comment...


  3. What you said there just embodies what really annoys me about religion, or, at least the justification that religious people give for their beliefs. Somebody makes a valid point that has been shown to have almost certainly happened through generations of rigorous scientific research and testing, they put that point to a theist and they just say "well that's simple, God did it".

    But I'm sure we can agree on one thing: the TV show the big bang theory kicks ass!

  4. Mike

    What research are you talking about? There is none... it can't be proven or tested.

    "Generations of rigorous scientific research and testing"

    Yeah, I bet your science teacher taught you that one.


  5. @ Mike...

    Apologies on the slackness of my reply.

    Science is what it is, and I guess that those that disagree with / dispute / dismiss the science might be tempted to be disparaging in their remarks to others who would argue that the science is valid.

    The point of the post was to openly wonder why the "well that's simple, god did it" argument has not been trotted out at every opportunity.

  6. @ Benjamin...

    Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. I tend to prefer it if my commenters were less disparaging of others when making there points.

    The scientific research on evolution, sans the missing link for those ape to human believers, can't be proven?

    Or are we talking about scientific research on God? Now without something tangible to test, then I might have to agree it cannot be proven or tested, it is all faith...

    Or is your point that no scientific research on anything can be proven?

  7. While I think the meme is hilarious, there is an essential flaw with it. The Big Bang Theory states that in the beginning everything was combined into a singularity, which then exploded and caused the creation of the universe.


    I'm a little curious and to why you denounce science, math, and technology all in a few simple lines, and then proceed to be a hypocrite about it all.

    1.) The Big Bang can be tested and it can also be proven. The whole reason that it came about was due to the mathematics and physics involved, pointed scientists and physicists in the direction of a singularity.

    2.) It can be tested by Hadron Colliders, which fire atoms and incredible velocities to create the same effect of the big bang, except on a quantum level so that we may observer how/why it happens.

  8. was the big bang god nope it wasnt because god is such a don that he doesnt have time for dat shizzle

  9. It cannot have effect in actual fact, that is exactly what I think.

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  11. Jake (Lacrosse Boss)11 May 2012 at 9:02 pm

    did you really just say murked

  12. Wonderful information. I will go to share this to my friends...

  13. I guess that no one knows how the universe works, but of course it wasn't a God creation.
