15 November 2010

US Brands Not Making the Grade in Australia...

Sizzler seems to have gone bust in a few places. I remember eating at both Sizzler here in Australia and also in Indonesia. But, now are both seemingly bust. The Australian operations fell victim, as I recall, to some sort of sabotage when a few restaurants were targeted and food was poisoned. Yet, if I also recall correctly, the business was already starting to turn in the downwards direction financially.

Starbucks made it big in Australia. I remember there being stores everywhere. However, that sort of came unstuck in 2009 when Starbucks rejigged its financial model. This resulted in about 75% of the Australian stores closing. So, it has become a little harder to find a Starbucks. In fact, it is much easier to find a Gloria Jeans. Nevertheless, on family day to the city (Sydney) yesterday we did pass a Starbucks in The Queen Victoria (QVB) Building on George Street.

To be honest, I had forgotten that Taco Bell had ever existed in the Australian market, but it did...albeit briefly.

There was a time where every city would have to have a Hard Rock Hotel. However, despite some early interest the fun wained, and relatively quickly was replaced with the realisation that this not so uniquely American dining experience was expensive. If I am not mistaken Planet Hollywood has followed suit and pulled up stumps in the Australian market place as well.

What? Hooters failed? In Australia? Don't Australian diners get off on the experience of having your "wings" served by a young and beautiful waitress in a bikini that is barely sufficient to cover her ample proportions? Oh well...

I remember Krispy Kreme Doughnuts because I quite enjoyed eating them. I also remember them because when I was living in Indonesia and working with the Jessup International Law Moot Teams, Krispy Kreme was always a topic of conversation at some point. Generally, this point was close to departure time for Waschington DC. There was this keeness to get to DC and get to a Krispy Kreme store for a sugar fix. These needs did not seemingly abate when the Krispy Kreme franchise made it to Indonesia.

In the Australian context, I am pretty sure I have seen a Krispy Kreme store but cannot remember where. Thinking, thinking, thinking. Yeah, I can, there was a Krispy Kreme store as you come out of Town Hall station heading towards the QVB.

Quiznos Subs were gone from the Australian market before their time. I preferred Quiznos Subs to Subway. Subway seems to be doing alright at the moment in Australia. I seem to see Subway stores just about everywhere I go. That said, I did not see one in Cootamundra.

Quiznos Subs were toasted subs. There was always plenty of choice toppings wise and, as I recall, you could make your own (in the sense of choosing the toppings). Toasty is always tastier in the Quiznos Subs range.


  1. Sam was sad when Krispy Kreme closed down in Setiabudi Building just down the road from where we lived in Jakarta, and then last week he was sad again when he read the news that Krispy Kreme in Woden Plaza just 10 minutes drive from our apartment in Canberra closed down too. I guess Krispy Kreme and Sam don't have a good relationship :D

  2. @ Ecky...

    I am going to take a wild stab in the dark and say that I do not think Krispy Kreme is being jinxed by Sam's presence, or lack thereof.

  3. The Collins Foods Group operates from Brisbane, Queensland.

    In Queensland, we operate 114 KFC outlets and we operate 26 Sizzler restaurants in Australia.

    We seek continuous improvement in all areas of our operation and work toward the following company mission:
    "Establish Collins Foods Group as leading restaurant holding company, which operates premier brands where people love to eat and are proud to work."

    Sizzlers still hot in the home state

  4. @ Lawbugger...


    That all you got?

  5. @ All...

    If I am not mistaken this is the link that Lawbugger is referring to:


    Perhaps I should have been a little more careful in my characterisation. Nevertheless, the Sizzlers that I used to frequent no longer exist.

    The above link notes that there are 3 stores still in NSW.

  6. The whole resto thing is out of hand. You know the flux in Jakarta. I went to Mandala in Mongonsidi last side - been there for yonks. How come I'll never know. I thought high salt and high flavoured (sauced) food was on the way out. Not there it aint.There needs to some serious food blogging done on the sheer wastefulness of the opening and shutting restaurants here. The turnover would embarrass an apple. (the best joke I could manage after being in the assylum mollycoddling all day)

  7. Oh my god, there is a great deal of worthwhile data above!
