15 November 2010

Lara Bingle vs. Nicole King...

I was going to write about this the other day. I was intending to put this in the "tattoo series" that I have been putting together. The hook was always going to be that Nicole King and Lara Bingle were cousins and the idea of healthy competition among family members.

To be honest, King's tattoo is pretty impressive. It is worth pointing out that along the rib cage is one of the more painful places to have ink work done. Unless you are a fat bastard like me, then it is not all that different to anywhere else on your personal canvas (aka skin).

Lara Bingle's fame sort of stemmed from being picked from relative obscurity to be the bikini in the Australian Tourism ad campaign "Where the Bloody Hell are ya?" More recently it has been about being engaged to Michael Clarke, Australian Test Cricket Captain in waiting, and then being separated from Clarke.

The fact that there is a mobile phone topless shot of her floating around the internet taken by a married former lover of hers, Brendan Fevola, ensures that she remains a searchable prospect on the internet. This is particularly so in the light of persistent rumours that there are also a few naked and full-frontal options available.

However, the icing on the cake for these two is that Bingle has come out on the Kyle Sandilands 2Day FM radio show and said that she is not related to King. They are not cousins. Bingle does not know of her, and has never met her.

Not to be deterred, King has countered that they are in fact cousins because King's mother and Bingle's father were cousins.

In the big scheme of things, I am sure it is important for them. For me, it is just a pretty good excuse to post some bikini pictures of two attractive young women, and one with a pretty nice tattoo.

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