14 November 2010

TitS: A Fan of Gandhi...

There is always something to be said about "practice what you preach" or "do as I say and not as I do". Perhaps, good ol' Tifatul Sembiring (aka TitS) should have taken his own advice by way of Gandhi instead of taking to Twitter and other social networking mediums as a means of defending his actions post that fateful Michelle Obama handshake incident.

Therefore, it was with interest that I read this TitS tweet as it entered my Twitter-sphere.

Maybe TitS should take a whole lot more time in conquering his enemies with love rather than trying to ban things that are almost impossible to ban, like porn for instance. Time to show a little love, TitS...If I am not mistaken, Vicky Vette would be happy to receive a little of that love!

So, does quoting Gandhi, a devout Hindhu, amount to an exhibition of religious tolerance?


  1. Does anyone actually like this guy and what he has done? Seems not. But dont you think you are a bit hard on the guy...expecially the penultimate post where you had him flogging himself. Do you think Australians' attitudes to porn and current govt policies are any more developed? Shouldnt we give the guy a bit of leeway in this difficult area.

    Personally, I see watching porn as a bit like watching footie - a vicarious liability. I dont see it as a good substitute. Its basically a learning tool, something adults should have graduated from.

  2. @ Lawbugger...

    It is not really about liking or disliking this guy. It is about how much can be tolerated before "too much" is enough to get his pink slip as a Minister.

    I reckon TitS is big enough and ugly enough to defend himself if he thinks the criticisms are too harsh.

    On the Australian front. There are criticisms to be made to the Australian approach to porn and censorship through filtering. I have made them before, and will probably make them again when there is a serious shift in likelihood of the policy being driven by labor getting up.

    To each their own with respect to how you view or don't view your porn.

  3. As to how many love Tiffie well, look at his follower count. I hesitate to name them followers "our silent majority", but then...

  4. @ Ferdi...

    A huge number of "followers" doesn't equate to popularity or likability, does it?

    Maybe, there are a lot of people like me who follow TitS because he is an accident waiting to happen.

    Or maybe that is the silent majority? ;)
