26 June 2010

Pauline Hanson and Schapelle Corby...

Pauline Hanson must be having a moment where she feels she needs to get back into the spotlight seeing her last foray was something to do with not selling her house to a Muslim, and Woman's Day has decided that they would oblige. The only other newsworthy piece of gossip about Ms Hanson is that she has pledged her support to Tony Abbott over Julia Gillard. Now there is an endorsement that Mr Abbott must be looking forward to exploiting in the coming election campaign.

Of the myriad of issues that Ms. Hanson could have chosen to vent on, she has decided that it is time that prisoner transfer agreements (PTA) received her passing attention. Her particular target in this case seems to be none other than one of Australia's most well-known incarcerated citizens, Ms. Schapelle Corby.

The Hanson view is a simple one. If you are convicted of committing a crime overseas then you should do the time for that crime overseas. The logic being, why should Australian taxpayers foot the bill for your foreign crime sprees? Judging by the comments left in the Daily Telegraph there are quite a few people that agree with her.

Perhaps more interesting is that the Hanson view has been aired in none other than the Woman's Day. It was not all that long ago that this publication was publishing nothing but pro-Corby related articles. I wonder what happened on that front. Perhaps they are just airing an alternate view that is designed to drive more support to  Ms. Corby and her push for freedom. Then again...

After the recent rush on Corby related news in the press there has not been much printed in the immediate past. There has been no news of her state of mind, the state of her clemency bid, or her desire to have a child (in jail if she must). Maybe the old adage is true...no news is good news!


Kim said...


Rob Baiton said...

@ Kim...

No comment? Just a link?

Or are you the same Kim that owns the WFS blog? And, therefore, economising in not writing the same thing again?

www.granada-3d.com said...

Very helpful info, much thanks for your post.