22 December 2011


There is much to be said for kindness.There is much to be said for remembering why we are here and the contributions we want to make to the world that we live in. The video that I embed here came to me from a Facebook friend via a friend of his. I guess this says something about the inter-connected world in which we now live. It also reminded me that I was never really good friends with this person and as I reflect on that I find I wish I had taken more time to get to know the person because now I feel that I have missed out.

Yet, thank you for sharing this.

So, watching this video was quiet thought-provoking. The smallest acts of kindness will one day find their way back to us. It matters not to me that there are people out there that think that this sort of thing is a crock. Clearly the world as a whole is not there yet, but to aspire to something greater is a worthy aspiration that we should all share. So, how about a little bit of kindness?

03 December 2011

Getting Back To Blogging...

I had not realised that I my last post was back at the end of July 2011. I only realised this when the fellow that will be my Principal next year mentioned that he looked at my blog and I had not written anything since July. I am not sure whether I should be flattered or concerned.

I am expecting that from now on I should be able to get myself in order to write a few more posts over the Christmas and New Year period. Then again, maybe not.

I am really busy getting things organised for the Colly Crew. You can view our latest effort, which won the GenerationOne "Hands Across Australia" competition.

Alternatively, here it is:

Life goes on...