13 March 2011

The Colli Crew - Change the Game...

Working in a small central school like Collarenebri Central School provides so many opportunities to do things and be part of programs that are integral to creating and sustaining change in the lives of the children of the community. The YouTube video above is one that we worked on for just a couple of days with the students.

Needless to say, Toby Finlayson of Desert Pea Media is a real talent in getting the kids to develop their own ideas into something as powerful as what you see above. He has also done an excellent job in producing the video.

Yet, the project would never have come to fruition without the dedicated support of the school through the Principal, the Assistant Principal and the Aboriginal Education Officer.

Ultimately, though it is the students who make the whole thing work. Congratulations to them all.

May this be the first step in "changing the game" for these students.

Feel free to share the video. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in finding out more about the "step-by-step" project that this is part of. And, feel free to contact me if you would like to set up a video conference or some sort of exchange of idea, such as a video conference, and I can put you in contact with all the right people.



  1. Mind if I pop a question?

    have you heard of this movement?


    I recently was asked for advice about "Gerakan Indonesia Mengajar". I dont really know much about the aussie equivalent

    thanks if you can make any comment

  2. @ Lawbugger...

    Have I ever really minded you putting forward questions?

    Not quite sure what you are asking me to comment on without the context. What were you asked about regarding GIM and what do you want to know about TFA?

    Elaborate a little and then I will comment accordingly :)

  3. She's apples. I gave the local graduate the best advice I could on joining up. I cant really understand what type of Oz graduate would give it a try in the current situation with a strong Australian economy. But I suppose there are plenty of graduates (like yourself) who only realise later in their life that they might want to teach.

    In the Indonesian context I guess it attracts those who wish to do good; and who I am sure you know, are many, and various

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  7. Well, I do not really imagine it is likely to have effect.
