20 March 2011

Blog Housekeeping -- March 2011...

Apologies to anyone who noticed besides Jakartass that I had changed my blog to "invited readers" only. No offense was intended, and hopefully none was taken. There were no invited readers to the blog except for my wife. I was not blogging all that much of late. The complete lack of posts has nothing to do with writers' block or lack of material. It is solely a case of not having enough time, nor is there a desire to manage the time I do have any better, as I fumble my way along on my new journey called teaching.

I have gone back to "any and all" readers now. So, enjoy the few posts that might wend their way onto The RAB Experience over the coming months. I have some school holidays coming up so there is a chance that I might get a little more blog active then.

To post or not to post is the next question.

1 comment:

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