06 November 2010

Seventeen and Drinking Corona Beer...

Miley Cyrus is a 17-year-old that will be 18-years-old in about 17 days, give or take.

The photo, taken from Dime Wars, shows an underage Miley holding a beer. Maybe this is just an innocent shot that was snapped after one of the young fellows in the photograph said "Hey Miley, can you hold my beer while I tuck my shirt in?" Being the polite and courteous young woman that she is, she thought nothing of it and grabbed the beer, snap!

Maybe, while in Spain and thinking she was out of paparazzi range she thought maybe a beer at a club would not be such a big thing. After all, the marriage of her parents is on the rocks as a consequence of an alleged affair between Miley's mum and Bret Michaels.

This is only news because someone seems to think that the Hannah Montana star is a role-model to young girls who idolise her. The argument being that these youngsters will mimic her and start holding beer bottles. Apparently, these impressionable youngsters will also start hitting the bottle pretty hard as a consequence. Maybe a few youngsters will, but on the whole this is a beat-up parading as a news story.

I am so glad that I am not a celebrity!

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