07 November 2010

Dewi Persik vs. Julia Perez...

It was bound to happen, two starlets seeking to stoke their own egos in the world of film getting into a good old cat fight and then moving to the courtroom for a real ding dong drawn out battle. So, there we have it. Dewi Persik and Julia Perez came to blows on the set of the film Arwah Goyang Karawang (although I did read somewhere that it was Kerawang).

I would reckon that there would be plenty of people who would have stumped up more than the price of a film ticket to see these two go at it. Perhaps the only thing that could have made this more interesting would have been skimpy bikinis and a kiddies pool full of mud or jelly. After all, the complaint is one that is based on a little push and shove.

I was not surprised to see that Ahmad Dhani was involved. I guess it makes sense seeing he is the manager of Dewi Persik. Besides the man is a media hound, at least in the sense that he will be part of almost anything and say just about anything to see his name in the media.

In the meantime, thanks girls. This provides the perfect cover for posting pictures of you both in all your glory.

Dewi Persik


Julia Perez (aka Jupe)

 The photo-shopped version of the same photo...take your pick!


  1. Jesus!!! Wtf??? Hahaha.... My oh my!!!

  2. @ Anonymous...

    Gotta say, Jesus was not the first thing that came to mind. Nor was it WTF! Or for that matter my oh my.

    But, the very prospect of a cat fight between these two will undoubtedly leave many a man (and perhaps woman) salivating at the thought of a ding dong lay 'em out battle!

  3. somewhere out there, there's a clip of this cat fight..

    waiting in anticipation Rob.

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