15 August 2010

Little Known Facts...

This is something that seems to be doing the rounds on the blogs, Twitter, Facebook, and email. It depends on where you live as to what sport is involved.

The version that I received relates to cricket. But, I have recently seen a version for hockey. I am guessing there is probably one floating around for lacrosse as well.


A little known fact...

The first testicular guard (Box) was used in cricket in 1874 and the first helmet was used in 1974. It took 100 years for men to realize that the brain is also important.


  1. It is nice(r) to know this little yet important fact being told by a male. You don't get a man admitting his weakness everyday


  2. @ Silverlines...

    It was kind of funny that you posted (or retweeted or whatever the correct term is) something on this and then another version came into my inbox (with a different sport).

    Weakness? Whatever are you talking about? The fact that they were developed in the order that they were surely signifies that men had carefully considered the future of humanity by protecting the family jewels (for want of a better expression)...

    Let's face it,men invented alcohol so the ugly blokes with no teeth and beat up faces from catching cricket balls with their faces could get laid too.

    Just a thought!
