15 August 2010

Five-Month Remission on the Cards for Schapelle Corby...

Prisoners in Indonesian prisons normally receive remissions twice a year, if they are lucky, on Independence Day and the prisoners relevant religious holiday (in this instance Christmas). Indonesian Independence Day is 17 August.

It is expected that Schapelle will be granted a 5-month remission on her sentence. The head of Kerobokan Prison, Siswanto, has said that he has sent his recommendations to the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights stating that Ms. Corby has been well-behaved and has not violated any prison rules. It is usual practice that the Ministry rubber stamps the recommendations of the heads of the prisons making the recommendations.

In other words, it would seem that Ms. Corby will be five months closer to freedom within days. If her clemency appeal is successful, then it is likely that she will be significantly closer to freedom still.

To read the Indonesian take on the proposed Corby remission follow this link.


  1. 5 months here and there.... still favourable to nothing at all. Some Asian judicial systems lock you up and throw away the key. Some don't even allow you to go to court, let alone give you an actual sentence so prisoners sit in limbo indefinitely. Some don't allow family to get within 100 meters of the prison where you are held in limbo ... and certainly, you have no rights, legal or human. So things may look grim for Schapelle but by comparison, it could be a whole lot worse.

  2. @ Kay...

    I guess that was my point in the big scheme of things; you take it where you can.

    Yep, there are a lot worse prisons in Indonesia and in Asia.
