24 January 2010

SBY -- When the Going gets Tough, the Tough get Singing...

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) has found time in his hectic schedule of governing the Republic of Indonesia to release his third album of songs. This is pretty funny on so many levels. The president has laid out a pretty ambitious agenda for his first 100 days of his second term, and seems to be failing pretty miserably on all fronts of that agenda. Further into the equation comes the shenanigans he is facing in the ongoing enquiry related to the Bank Century bailout.

But, amongst the seeming unravelling of his second term in office, the president felt it necessary to take a break and release his third album, "Ku Yakin Sampai ke Sana"(or 'I Believe I Can Get There'). The album is nine songs long and includes the involvement of some of Indonesia's more recognizable musical talent, such as Rio Febrian, Elfa Singers, and Tantowi Yahya, among others.

According to SBY, the songs are reflective of his mood. The songs are supposed to communicate this mood to the people, and to highlight the president's commitment to serving them and serving them well. Perhaps, rather than cooing and singing to the masses, the president can actually do some work and solve some of the problems afflicting his administration. Simply, if he did the work and then claimed the victories of that work then the masses of Indonesians who voted for him might enjoy a whole lot more prosperity and good fortune rather than the empty promises of a few songs.

Just a thought.


  1. Rob,

    If everything is normal, I would think that he is trying to escape all the routines.

    But now industrialists are worried about the future of their business after the Asean-China FTA; Bank Century case; rising prices; etc.
    I can only shake my head and rub my chest.

  2. Harry...

    He is the president for goodness sakes. His job is to handle problems afflicting "his children" as he call them.

    My personal opinion is that no matter how good things are it is not the time to be releasing albums. And, considering things are not so good and there is a fair bit on the president's plate that the idea would be to resolve the problems first.

    I am guessing that to the masses it does look like he is trying to escape, escape his problems.

  3. Can't agree more than you Rob.

    I thought that I was wrong when I read the headline of SBY's album, but then I realized that he's trying to convince his people that he will succeed.

    And for me, this time, he's totally wrong. In the middle of situation Century, Asean-China FTA, rising price, he should become a president not a singer.

    Normal or Chaos, he is a President of Indonesia, and release a new album made me think that he didn't put his effort to work on his 100 days agenda.

  4. In my opinion one and all should browse on it.
