24 January 2010

Renae "The Protector" Lawrence...

It was with some interest that I read an article by Tom Allard in today's (24/01) Sydney Morning Herald. It was with interest because there are two pieces of relevant information provided in the article.

In Allard's opinion from what he has witnessed during a brief visit is that Schapelle has deteriorated both physically and mentally. Nevertheless, the prospects for an imminent or early release have faded. And, that Renae Lawrence has taken on the role of 'protector'.

The second important piece of 'news' was that Renae Lawrence is pretty angry about the book written by Kathryn Bonella titled "Hotel Kerobokan" which Corby supporters are promoting as the god-given truth of what conditions are like inside. To the contrary, Lawrence claims the book is nothing more than a pack of lies. Of specific concern seems to be the claims that Lawrence frequently indulges in lesbian orgies in her queen-sized bed.

I wonder if Kathryn Bonella is going to come out and defend herself against the claims reported by Lawrence? Simply, if Bonella is not telling the truth about Lawrence as Lawrence claims, then this brings into question the content of the whole book.

The prison authorities have consistently denied that the conditions are as bad as Bonella makes out. In fact, the prison authorities recently held a media open day to highlight the very fact that conditions are not as bad as they are claimed to be. They have also denied that Schapelle is in a desperate place and situation that requires her immediate removal to a mental health facility or her immediate repatriation to Australia.

It will be interesting to see if there is any response to this Tom Allard article from either side of the debate.

1 comment:

  1. Rob,
    You know the thing that struck me first when I looked at these photos was the clothing. Prisoners in Phonthong, myself included at that time, went in with the clothes on our backs. Many prisoners were filthy, their clothes unwashed because they hadn't a change of clothes to change into... self included. No jewellry, no make up, no hair brush or toothbrush, no toiletries.... no visitors... I look at the photo and I feel a twinge of envy for those prisoners who have so much, that they don't even realise it... but perhaps that is unfair because it is a completely different environment and completely different system of justice. Still....I can't help but think of those in the Laos jail... knowing they would do anything to get to Kerobokan if they could.

    the girls look cheerful. It's nice to see a photo of them smiling... although a smile can hide a multitude of troubles. I hope they both get repatriated soon!
