10 April 2011

Term 1...Done & Dusted!

Well, Term 1 is done. It has been a long term in both the literal and figurative senses. In the literal sense it has been an 11-week term instead of the usual 10. In the figurative sense, it has also been long as teaching every day gives rise to new and different challeges every day. These challenges arise irrespective of the fact that the students stay the same.

Nevertheless, when it is all said and done, the term has been an excellent one. I have learned much and I think I have taught much. And, hopefully, the students have learned much.

One of the perks of teaching is that I now get to enjoy two weeks worth of holidays with my family before having to front up and do it all again (the holidays can't end soon enough).

We, at Collarenebri Central School, have just completed another rap in our "step-by-step" program. So, keep your eyes and ears peeled for that to appear. It is likely to be our most controversial effort to date, but it also sounds like it might just be our best.


  1. Hi Rob,
    I hope that you and your family will have a wonderful holiday.

  2. @ Harry...


    I am sure that it will be interesting. Although, that said it is likely to involve a lot of travelling (including to Indonesia).

  3. I think the secret in this sort of venture is to get the balance between what you know and can teach about this and what they learn and know and can do and tell you about the same.

  4. @ lawbugger...

    If I find such a balance, then the question is "am I doing my job?"

    Surely the challenge is getting both the kids (students) and myself to exceed expectations, and as such this is certain to see a toppling of the "balanced" apple cart, dont you think?

  5. sorry I poke this comment in the wrong post. It referred to the teaching of the graphic text or whatever. I was however making a general point about how to get the best out of students without telling them too much of what you know... if you get my drift
