22 April 2011

Some Graduation Photos...

Well, I have now officially graduated from the University of Western Sydney with a Master of Teaching (MTeach) degree. The next box to tick is a professional competence one with the New South Wales Institute of Teachers. With a bit of a luck I should have satisfied all those requirements by the end of 2011.

It would be nice to say "thus begins the next phase of our journey", but the reality is that the next phase actually got underway back at the beginning of February 2011 when we arrived at Collarenebri and I started teaching at the Central School.


  1. Congratulations. Your photos reek of symbolism. Merah putih dll.

    May you move forward with just speed,

  2. Wow, so cool. Congrats pak Rob! I am also thinking of getting another degree once I can get rid of this phd.

  3. Congratulation Rob!

    Having a good wife, cute baby, good job, get a Master degree. What's desired by many men now in your hand ;)

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