14 April 2011

Jozef Wadecki: Doing Poland Proud on the Gymnastics Front...

If you have not worked it out yet, it is school holiday time. I have a couple of weeks off, sort of. I am preparing a presentation abstract for a conference in August. It is also an opportunity to do some blogging. Although my personal blogging is for fun and to humour myself by ranting and railing on whatever takes my fancy or posting the weird and wonderful I discover while surfing the internet. Blogging is something that I am going to start doing with my students. The plan is to set up unit related blogs that the students contribute to and use to work through the unit of work.

Anyways, on my travels today, I came across this video of Jozef Wadecki doing a tumbling run. Awesome!


  1. The coolest thing about this guy Jozef is the obstacles he's had to overcome to get to and surpass this level (old video). Jozef has had epilepsy from childhood and has suffered from severe seizures at times, and yet has not let it stop him from becoming a world class tumbler. I LOVE that about this guy. The video is untouched, what he can do, and a few others like him, is real, but rare! He lives and trains at Summit Athletics, in Crown Point, Indiana.

  2. @ Peggy...

    Thanks for dropping by and commenting. Thanks also for the additional information.
