13 April 2011

Australian Aboriginal Proverb...

"We are all visitors to this time, this place. 
We are just passing through. 
Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love... 
and then we return home."

It is important to learn something new every single day. It keeps the mind fresh and active. I found this proverb on a bookmark. I post it here because it says a lot about how I want to live my life "to observe, to grow, to love" and perhaps I would add "to teach, to develop, to facilitate opportunities". Yet, the reality is that we all are just passing through and at some point we return "home".


  1. Im reminded of a not too great song "just like an arrow shooting through.." I think it goes. I like your addition. It probably says a lot about the difference between your culture and aboriginal culture. Or it could be that pithy phrases always have their limitations.

    Dont get me wrong I like the pith.

  2. @ Lawbugger...

    Nah, I know heaps of Aboriginal people who would add the very same things to the end of that proverb that I did.

    In fact, I work with some of them and I cross paths with others every single day.

    Proverbs always have their limitations.
