11 February 2011

Lea Michele of Glee Fame: Too Sexy For Her Teenage Fans?

It is confession time. I have not yet sat down and watched anything Glee related. That said, I have an idea of what it is about based on my travels through cyber space. So, it is interesting that at least one Glee star, Lea Michele, finds herself the subject of a little more controversy.

The main characters of Glee did a very sexy high-school themed photo shoot for GQ. The GQ shoot ruffled quite a few feathers and was slammed for promoting pedophilia. However, this latest storm is a storm in a tea cup and is not really worth the space that will be devoted to it.

Here is the nuts and bolts of the latest controversy/ Glee is a high-school themed show where the lead actors are not high school students but adult actors playing teenage roles. One of those actors, Lea Michele, recently did a sexy cover shoot for Cosmopolitan Magazine. It was only sexy because the cover shot was Michele in a plunging neckline dress which accentuated her breasts. Sadly, this has left some 11, 12 and 13-year-olds dazed and confused as to why none of their classmates are so sexy and able to carry off a dress of that calibre. Parents are up in arms all over the place. It is almost as if the principal sat down with Kindergarten and told them that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are not real.

Lea Michele is a 24-year-old adult. If she wants to pose in a plunging neckline dress that accentuates her assets, then so be it. She is an adult and the target audience of Cosmo magazine is contemporary adult.

Any parents with confused teenagers, rather than blaming Michele, how about you sit them down and explain a few things. Perhaps, one could start with Glee being fiction and that the people playing the parts are actors, and some of those actors are in fact adults.

Ho hum...


  1. You know I appreciate your posts. I put them up there with the SMH. I enjoy the comments you get and your replies. By now as a regular reader I have completely stopped worrying about the man behind the posts and what makes him tick or not tick.

    I would like to ask you a question. Why dont you post on the commentaries and editorials found in newspapers eg the Globe.

    However, I guess if you were inclined you would comment directly on the web page?

    I notice you tend to commment on breaking news, on events as they unfold. It must be frustrating doing this because you never know how they will unfold (you can guess) and you know that you can never have an influence on the outcome.

    I would think that by posting on commentary you would be able to get readers to be more critical thinkers; by seeing something the writer missed or got wrong.


  2. by lawby. Sometimes the pages doesnt work right.

  3. You know I appreciate your posts. I put them up there with the SMH. I enjoy the comments you get and your replies. By now as a regular reader I have completely stopped worrying about the man behind the posts and what makes him tick or not tick.

    I would like to ask you a question. Why dont you post on the commentaries and editorials found in newspapers eg the Globe.

    However, I guess if you were inclined you would comment directly on the web page?

    I notice you tend to commment on breaking news, on events as they unfold. It must be frustrating doing this because you never know how they will unfold (you can guess) and you know that you can never have an influence on the outcome.

    I would think that by posting on commentary you would be able to get readers to be more critical thinkers; by seeing something the writer missed or got wrong.


    previous comment was the result of some problem with getting this comment published. Fink I got it now.

  4. I wrote a big one it just vanished. It showed for a while -

    ''Don't it always seem to go/That you don't know what you've got/'Til it's gone''.

    I do it again later on .....sometime. hot here in Jakarta today

  5. @ Anonymous Lawbugger...

    Life makes me tick :)

    Relatively easy question to answer. I blog for myself. And, if I amuse or humour anyone into the bargain, then so be it. To comment in papers and the like always seems to me, at least, to be commenting solely to humour others.

    In short, it is nice that people read my blog, but truth be told, even if nobody read it I would still write :)

    Nope, not frustrating at all. The point of passing comment on breaking news is not (always) to show inside knowledge of events, but rather to exercise one's powers of prediction through educated analysis.

    It is not really about influencing outcomes. Nevertheless, sometimes people prefer to not leave comments and contact me directly (off blog). The point, influence is relative. I know that I am read a lot more widely than the comments suggest. I am not saying that I am changing the world or influencing outcomes of events in Indonesia. It is the the flapping of the butterfly's wings that may lead to a tornado (or cyclone) over time. I will leave that one to you in terms of working it out ;)

    Critical thinkers...sort of requires us to get past our own egos and realise that there is always something we can learn. That is why I always had a chuckle when people would say stuff like "you will never understand because you're not Indonesian" or "you're white". The reality was that I was always open to learning, and I did learn, and it is always a good thing to know a lot more than people give you credit for :)

  6. @ Lawby...

    I have checked it out. It all seems to be in working order.

  7. @ Lawbugger...

    The multiple post thing triggers the automatic spam filter. The filter then takes all posts.

    They have all been restored.

  8. Thanks.

    will try to understand the comment system better in future

    I am interested in this part of your reply:

    To comment in papers and the like always seems to me, at least, to be commenting solely to humour others.

    It can be like that, and often is. I guess blog comments are not really a place for debate, more for comment. I should have realised this.

    My comment on commenting on commentary still holds for me; your point about egos does not rule going ahead anyway. Surely if anything, of all the Jakarta bloggers I read, you are the most reconstructed in this regard.

    I better get back to reading your new stuff.

    There must be something coming on your new teaching experiences? 28 years ago I was on the same line of longitude but about 1000 miles north doing what you are doing. And not as well I dare say. Life moves forward.

  9. sorry 38 years ago.

    The name box only comes up after I click publish. So I guess i dont do the word verify before I hit publish. seems silly. Ill learn eventually.

  10. @ Lawbugger...

    I did not say you did not have a valid point on the commenting commentary in the comments section. I just do not do it, that's all.

    As to teaching experiences.

    I have thought about it. Maybe I will. Suffice to say, the students are a good cohort across the board. I enjoyed my first week and I am thinking I will enjoy the next, at least, three years here.
