10 February 2011

Carolina In My Mind -- James Taylor...

I went to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

It is amazing how passionate and loyal one becomes to one's school. But, there is nothing quite like watching James Taylor sing "Carolina In My Mind" live at the Dean Dome (nor is there anything quite lining up for days for tickets).

Every time I hear this song it takes me back to Carolina and leaves me with a smile. They were great times. This song is a real "pick me upper" for me, and I am sure for many others. Everything that I own that is programmable has this song pre-loaded into it.

This version is one James Taylor did live with Sirius|XM Satellite Radio as part of their Artist Confidential series. I have, sadly, lost contact with many of my friends from that period. Others, I am still in contact with. Most I am sure do not read my blog. Suffice to say I remember them all fondly. So, to all those UNC alumni out there, thanks!

Funnily enough, having watched UNC drop a 16-point lead over Duke I do not feel so bad having listened to Carolina In My Mind a "few" times.

And for the real fans, here is a 1972 live version of ""Carolina In My Mind".


1 comment:

  1. This cannot have effect in actual fact, that's what I consider.
